The second season of Dance Moms, an American dance reality television created by Collins Avenue Productions, began airing on January 10, 2012 on the television network Lifetime. This season ends on September 25, 2012. The second season features 30 episodes including 4 special episodes (Abby's Most OMG Moments, Abby's Dance-A-Thon, Reunion: Off the Dance Floor, Part 1 and Reunion: Off the Dance Floor, Part 2) bringing the number of episodes so far up to 43 episodes. However, the Lifetime episode guide does not include "Abby's Most OMG Moments" as the official season episode.
Video Dance Moms (season 2)
The second season continued after the release of Chloe's music video. The dancers from Abby Lee Dance Company, and their mom back for another dance season. In this season, new moms and dance dancers are introduced into Abby Lee Dance Company and Candy Apples Dance Center.
Maps Dance Moms (season 2)
The second season featured a three-star casting star with various dancers and other mothers who appeared throughout the season.
Source of the article : Wikipedia