Rabu, 20 Juni 2018

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Why INFJs Are Drawn to Sadness - Introvert Spring
src: introvertspring.com

Sorrow is an emotional pain associated with, or characterized by, feelings of loss, loss, despair, sadness, helplessness, disappointment and sadness. A person who experiences sadness can be quiet or lethargic, and withdraw from others. An example of severe sadness is depression, a mood that can be caused by major depressive disorder or persistent depressive disorder. Crying can be an indication of sadness.

Grief is one of the "six basic emotions" described by Paul Ekman, along with happiness, anger, shock, fear, and disgust.

Video Sadness


Sorrow is a common experience in childhood. Some families may have rules (consciously or unconsciously) that sadness is "not allowed", but Robin Skynner has stated that this can cause trouble, arguing that with sadness "filtered", people can become shallow and maniac. Pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton states that admitting sadness can make it easier for families to tackle more serious emotional problems.

Sorrow is part of the normal process of the child who separates himself from the initial symbiosis with the mother and becomes more independent. Every time a child splits a little more, he has to overcome a small loss. If the mother can not let the small nuisance involved, the child may never learn how to deal with her own sadness. Brazelton argues that too much encouragement of children lowers the emotional value of their grief; and Selma Fraiberg indicate that it is important to respect the right of children to experience full and profound loss.

Margaret Mahler also saw the ability to feel sadness as an emotional achievement, as opposed to for example to brush it off through anxious hyperactivity. D. W. Winnicott also sees in the sad cry of the psychological roots of a valuable musical experience later on.

Maps Sadness


According to the American Journal of Psychiatry , sadness has been found to be associated with "increased bilateral activity around the temporal cortices of the middle and posterior, lateral cerebellum, cerebellar vermis, midbrain, putamen, and tail." Jose V. Pardo has a M.D and Ph.D. degree and leads a research program in cognitive neuroscience. Using positron emission tomography (PET) Pardo and his colleagues were able to provoke sadness among seven normal men and women by asking them to think sad things. They observed increased brain activity in the inferior cortex and bilateral orbitofrontal. In a study that induces sadness in the subject by showing an emotional film clip, the feeling is correlated with a significant increase in regional brain activity, especially in the prefrontal cortex, in the region called Brodmann's area 9, and thalamus. Significant increases in activity were also observed in bilateral anterior temporal structures.

Take Advantage of Your Sadness, Negative Emotions Play A Useful Role
src: stevemehta.com

Overcome the

People face sadness in various ways, and that is an important emotion because it helps motivate people to deal with their situation. Some coping mechanisms include: getting social support and/or spending time with pets, making lists, or engaging in some activities to express sadness. Some individuals, when feeling sad, may exclude themselves from the social setting, so it takes time to recover from those feelings.

Despite being one of the moods that most want to be shaken, sadness can sometimes be perpetuated by a highly chosen strategy, such as contemplating, "drowning one's sadness," or permanently isolating oneself. As an alternative way to overcome the above sadness, cognitive behavioral therapy suggests either challenging a person's negative thoughts, or scheduling some positive events as a distraction.

Being attentive, and patient with, one's sadness can also be a way for people to learn through solitude; while emotional support to help people stay with their sadness can be more helpful. This approach is driven by the underlying belief that loss (when feeling wholeheartedly) can lead to a new sense of passion, and for re-engagement with the outside world.

Naruto - Sadness And Sorrow - 1 HOUR - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Murung Pupil

The size of the pupil can be an indicator of sadness. A sad facial expression with a small pupil is considered more depressing when the pupil size decreases. The size of one's pupil also reflects this and becomes smaller when seeing a sad face with a small pupil. There is no parallel effect when people see a neutral, happy or angry expression. A greater degree of scrutiny by one's pupil predicts a person's higher score on empathy. However, in disorders such as autism and psychopathy facial expressions that represent grief may be subtle, which may indicate the need for more non-linguistic situations to affect their empathy levels.

Sadness - Vivify | Sadness
src: f4.bcbits.com

Cultural exploration

During the Renaissance, Edmund Spenser at The Faerie Queene supported the sadness as a marker of spiritual commitment.

In the Lord of the Rings, sadness is distinguished from unhappiness, to imitate J. R. R. Tolkien's preference for a sad, but persistent, determination that contradicts what he sees as a more superficial temptation of despair or hope.

Julia Kristeva considers that "diversifying moods, variations in sadness, consummation in sadness or mourning are traces of humanity that certainly do not win but are subtle, ready to fight and be creative".

Music | Sadness
src: f4.bcbits.com

See also

  • Joie de vivre
  • Melancholia
  • Mood (psychology)

Sadness from Pixar's Inside Out Halloween Costume! : MakeupAddiction
src: i.redd.it


Too Much Sadness | White Paddy Mountain
src: f4.bcbits.com

Further reading

Source of the article : Wikipedia
