Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

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Science Source - War of 1812, Death of Tecumseh, Battle of Thames
src: www.sciencesource.com

Tecumseh "English respelling pronunciation"> ti- KUM -s ?, ti- KUM - see (March 1768 - October 5, 1813) was a native American Shawnee soldier and chief, who became the main leader of a large multi-tribal confederation in the early nineteenth century. Born in Ohio State (now Ohio), and grew during the American Revolutionary War and the Northwest Indian War, Tecumseh was hit by warfare and imagined the formation of an independent Indian nation east of the Mississippi River under British protection. He works to recruit additional members to his tribal confederation from the southern United States.

Tecumseh is one of India's most famous leaders in history and is known as a powerful and eloquent orator who promotes tribal unity. He is also ambitious, willing to take risks, and makes significant sacrifices to expel Americans from Indian lands in the Northwest Territory. In 1808, with his brother Tenskwatawa ("Prophet"), Tecumseh established an Indian village, an American named Prophetstown, located north of Lafayette, Indiana today. Prophetstown grew into a large, multi-tribal community and a central point in Tecumseh's political and military alliance.

The Tecumseh Confederacy fought against the United States during the Tecumseh War, but he was unsuccessful in getting the US government to cancel the Fort Wayne Treaty (1809) and other land tenure agreements. In 1811, when he traveled south to recruit more allies, his brother Tenskwatawa started the Battle of Tippecanoe against the army of William Henry Harrison, but the Indians withdrew from the field and the Americans burned Prophetstown. Although Tecumseh remains the military leader of the pan-India confederation, his plan to enlarge the Indian alliance has never been fulfilled.

Tecumseh and his confederations continued to fight against the United States after forming an alliance with Great Britain in the War of 1812. During the war, the Tecumseh Confederation helped in the capture of Fort Detroit. However, after US naval forces took control of Lake Erie in 1813, Britain and their Indian allies retreated to Upper Canada, where American troops engaged them at the Thames River Battle on 5 October 1813, where Tecumseh was killed. His death and the end of the war caused the pan-India alliance to collapse. Within a few years, the remaining tribal lands in the Old Northwest were handed over to the US government and then opened to new settlements and most American Indians eventually moved west, across the Mississippi River. Since his death Tecumseh has become an iconic folk hero in American history, Aboriginal, and Canadian.

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Tecumseh (in Shawnee, Tekooms), which means "Shooting Star" or "Panther Across The Sky", or "Blazing Comet," and also written as Tecumtha or

Tecumseh's father, Puckshinwa (in Shawnee, Puckeshinwau ), meaning "Alights from flying," "Something down," or "I'm light from flying," and given in various notes as Puckeshinwa, Pucksinwah, Pukshinwa, Pukeesheno, Pekishinoah, Pooksehnwe and other variations) is a small Shawnee war leader from Kispoko ("Dancing Tail" or "Panther") band and panther clan. According to some sources, Puckshinwa's father is Muscogee (Creek) and his mother is Shawnee. (Either his father died when Puckshinwa was young or because among River people, a husband lives with his wife's family, Puckshinwa is considered a Shawnee.) Tecumseh biographer John Sugden concludes that Puckshinwa's ancestors "must remain a mystery," because testimony others provide alternative details of his relics, such as stating that the head of Kispoko had an English father.

Tecumseh's mother, Methotaske (in Shawnee, Methoataaskee), meaning "[Someone Who Spawns in Sand" or "A turtle spawns in the sand", and alternately spells Methoataske, Meetheetashe, Methotase, or Methoatase), is Puckshinwa's second wife. He is believed to have become Muscogee Creek, Cherokee, or Shawnee through both his parents, probably from Pekowi's group and the turtle clan. Some traditions argue that Methotaske is Creek because he had lived among the tribe before marriage, while others claimed that he was a Cherokee, having died in old age living among the tribe. Others say he was a white prisoner because of a family story claiming Puckshinwa had married a white prisoner. Puckshinwa and Methotaske have at least eight children. The identity of the Shawnee division is recorded patrilineally, meaning that inheritance and descent are traced through the male line, which makes Tecumseh and his brothers Kispoko members. Tecumseh's great grandfather by his mother, Straight Tail Meaurroway Opessa, was a prominent leader of Pekowi and the turtle clan.

When Tecumseh's parents met and married, the Pekowis lived somewhere near the current location in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Pekowi had lived in the area with the Creek people, because Iroquois (a powerful confederation based in New York and Pennsylvania) forced them from the Ohio River valley during the Beavers' War of the seventeenth century. Around 1759, Pekowi's group moved north to the State of Ohio. Not wanting to force Methotaske to choose between living in the south with him or moving with his family, Puckshinwa decided to go north with him. The Pekowi established an Indian settlement called Chillicothe, where Tecumseh was most likely born.

In October 1774, during Tecumseh's childhood, the frontiersmen killed his father at the Battle of Point Pleasant during the Lord Dunmore War. The white people "have crossed into Indian soil for violating the recent treaty." After Puckshinwa's death, Methoataske probably went to live with his Creek family before moving west with Kispoko in 1779. Methoataske left Tecumseh and his siblings under the care of their married sister, Tecumapese. Wahskiegaboe, Tecumapada's husband, later became one of Tecumseh's supporters.

Chiksika or Cheeseekau, Tecumseh's eldest brother and a prominent soldier, basically raised him. Chiksika takes Tecumseh hunting and teaches him to become a fighter; However, his younger brother, Lalawethika, who later changed his name to Tenskwatawa, stayed behind and showed little evidence of a strong spiritual leader and close partnership that he would form with Tecumseh as an adult.

Maps Tecumseh

Initial experience

During the American Revolutionary War, Shawnee was a British military ally and repeatedly against the Americans. After the death of his father, the Tecumseh family moved to the nearby village of Blackfish's Chillicothe. They remained there until the Kentucky militia destroyed it in retaliation for the Blackfish attack in Boonesborough, Kentucky. The Tecumseh family fled to the nearby village of Kispoko, but troops under George Rogers Clark command destroyed it in 1780. Subsequently, the family moved to the village of Pengamplasan Batu, where Clark and his men attacked in November 1782, and the Tecumseh family moved into a settlement Shawnee near Bellefontaine, Ohio at this time. Some historians believe that witnessing the sacking of his childhood home by the Americans was a catalyst for his drive to become a fighter like his father and brother, Chiksika (Cheeseekau), and became like "a fire spread over hills and valleys, consuming dark soul races."

Tecumseh may have witnessed his first battle, Battle of Piqua, in 1780, when he was a young man under the supervision of Chiksika, but Tecumseh was not involved in the battle. The tribal chief then recalled that Tecumseh became very frightened during the battle he was releasing; it was the only example in the life of Tecumseh where he escaped from the battlefield.

After the American Revolutionary War ended in 1783, the fifteen-year-old Tecumseh joined a group of Shawnee who intended to stop white settlers from invading their land by attacking landing boats as they traveled down the Ohio River from Pennsylvania. "For a while, the" Indians "were so effective that the river traffic almost stopped." Tecumseh participated in several raids in America between 1786 and 1788, and in time, he took over the leadership of his own warrior.

The Northwest Indian War brings continuing violence to the American border. The Wabash Confederation, a major tribal alliance that includes all the major tribes in Ohio and the Illinois State was formed to drive American settlers from the area. When the war between the confederation of India and America flourished in the late 1780s and Tecumseh grew up, he began practicing to become a fighter and fought along with his older brother Chiksika, an important warlord.

In late 1789 or early 1790, Tecumseh traveled south with Chiksika to live among and fought alongside the Chickamauga faction of Cherokee. During their journey south, Tecumseh fell from his horse during a hunting expedition and broke a bone in his thigh. The injury took several months to heal and caused him to walk a little limp for the rest of his life. Accompanied by twelve Shawnee soldiers, the brothers lived in Running Water in Marion County, Tennessee, where the wife and daughter of Chiksika lived. There Tecumseh meets Dragging Canoe, a leader of Chickamauga who leads the Indian resistance against American expansionism. Tecumseh has remained with Chickamauga for nearly two years. During this time he became the father of a daughter with a Cherokee; However, the relationship was short and the boy stayed with his mother.

After returning briefly to the State of Ohio in 1791, Tecumseh and the Shawnee faction reunited with his brother in the Cumberland River area in Tennessee, where Chiksika was killed while leading the attack in September 1792. Tecumseh took over the leadership of a small Shawnee group and the next Chickamauga Party attacked before him returned to the State of Ohio at the end of 1792. After that, Tecumseh took part in several battles, including the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794), in which the Americans defeated the Indians to end Northwestern Indian War for the benefit of Americans. Despite the loss, Tecumseh refused to sign the Treaty of Greenville (1795), where the Indians handed over vast lands in the Old Northwest (about two-thirds of the current state of Ohio and parts of Indiana's present) in exchange for goods valued at $ 20,000.

Tecumseh took his wife, Mamate, and had a son, Paukeesaa, born around 1796. Their marriage did not last long. Tecumseh's sister Tecumapese raises Paukeesaa from the age of seven or eight.

White Wolf : Tecumseh's Vision - We Shall Remain (Movie)
src: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Tenskwatawa and Prophetstown

The younger brother Tecumseh, Lalawethika ("He Makes a Loud Sound" or "Noise Maker"), then takes the new name Tenskwatawa ("Open Door" or "One with Open Mouth") and is known as "Prophet" or "Prophet Shawnee" is part of a set of three twin brothers born in early 1775. (One of the triplets died within the first year of his birth, but Lalawethika and his brother's triplet Kumskaukau survived.) Lalawethika's early years as depression and isolated youth were characterized by various failures and alcoholism. However, around 1805 Tenskwatawa began preaching and soon emerged as a powerful and influential religious leader of spiritual revival. The Prophet's beliefs are based on earlier teachings from the prophets of Lenape, Scattamek and Neolin, who predicted the coming of the apocalypse that would destroy the European-American settlers.

The Prophet attracted many followers among the Indians suffering from epidemics and their land grabs. He urged them to reject the American way of life and return to their traditional ways. The Prophet wanted the Indians to reject the whites' custom, including firearms, alcohol consumption, and European-style clothes. He also urged his followers to pay traders only half of their debt value and refrain from giving up any more land to the US government.

Tecumseh eventually settled near Greenville, Ohio, in an Indian community formed by Tenskwatawa along with his followers along the White River in western Ohio in 1805. Tenskwatawa, proved harsh, even brutal, in his treatment of those who opposed him and his teachings. accusing his critics and anyone associated with Americans from witchcraft. His teaching also caused increased tension between settlers and their followers. Defying Tenskwatawa is the leader of the Shawnee Black Hoof, who works to maintain a peaceful relationship with the United States.

Preliminary notes of Tecumseh's interaction with America occurred in 1807, when US Indian agent William Wells met with Blue Jacket and other Shawnee leaders in Greenville to determine their intentions after the killing of a settler recently. Tecumseh, who is among those who talk to Wells and assures him that his Shawnee group intends to remain at peace and just wants to follow the will of the Great Spirit and His prophet. According to Wells's report, Tecumseh also told him that the Prophet intended to move with his followers deeper into the borders, away from American settlements. In 1808, as tensions between the Indians in Greenville and the occupants increased, Black Hoof demanded that Tenskwatawa and his followers leave the area. According to Tenskwatawa's account later, Tecumseh had already thought of a pan-tribal confederation to counter the expansion of America to land held by India.

In 1808 the Prophet and Tecumseh were the group leaders who decided to move further west and set up a village near the confluence of the Wabash and Tippecanoe Rivers (near the Battle Ground, north of now Lafayette, Indiana). Although the site was in the Miami tribal area and their chief, Little Turtle, warned the group not to stay there, Shawnee ignored the warning and moved to the area; Miami left them alone. The Americans call the Indian settlement of Nabistown, after the spiritual leader Shawnee. The village gained significance as a central point in the political and military alliance formed around Tecumseh, a natural and charismatic leader.

When Tenskwatawa's religious teachings became more widely known, he attracted many followers to Prophetstown who belonged to other tribal members. The village soon evolved to form a large and multi-tribal community in the southwestern Great Lakes area that serves as a major center of Indian culture, a temporary barrier to the raiding west coast movements, and a base to drive out the whites and their culture. of the region. This community attracts thousands of Algonquin-speaking Indians and becomes an intertribal, religious camp inside the Indiana Territory for 3,000 residents.

Tecumseh emerged as the main leader and head of the war of confederate warriors in Prophetstown. Recruits come from about fourteen different tribal groups, although the majority are members of the Shawnee, Delaware, and Potawatomi tribes. The growing community in Prophetstown has also caused increasing concern among Americans in the area to fear that Tecumseh is forming a troop of soldiers to destroy their settlements.

In 1811, Tenskwatawa speeded up the Battle of Tippecanoe when he was overcome by his power and refused Tecumseh's order to evacuate if Harrison approached the village of Prophetstown. Tenskwatawa claimed to have had a vision and spoke to the tribes "in the voice of Moneto," their god, to attack when the white man could not harm them, and that no one could die or would feel harmed. The loss of this battle ended the influence of the Prophet amongst the confederation of India and caused many tribes to lose confidence in Tecumseh's grand plan of strong Indian alliances.

Death of Tecumseh. By Nathaniel Currier: 1812 History
src: images.ourontario.ca

Tecumseh War

Tecumseh and William Henry Harrison, two of the main enemies of the Tecumseh War, have been junior participants in the Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) at the end of the North Indian War. Although Tecumseh does not include the signing of the Greenville Treaty (1795) which handed out most of Ohio's present-day, long-lived Shawnee and other Indian Americans, to the US government, many Indian leaders in the region accepted Greenville. agreement terms. Over the next ten years, panic tribes against American hegemony faded.

After the Greenville Agreement was signed, most Shawnee in Ohio settled in the village of Shawnee, Wapakoneta on the Auglaize River, where Black Hoof, a senior chief who had signed the agreement, was their leader. Little Turtle, a Miami warlord, a participant of the Northwest Indian War, and a signatory to Greenville, lives in his village along the Eel River. Black Hoof and Little Turtle are urging cultural adaptation and accommodation with the United States. The tribes in the region also participated in several additional agreements, including the Vincennes Agreement (1803 and 1804) and the Grouseland Agreement (1805), which surrendered the land held by India in southern Indiana to the Americans. The agreement provides Indian annuity payments and other reimbursements in exchange for their land.

Increased tension

In September 1809, William Henry Harrison, governor of the Indiana Territory, negotiated the Fort Wayne Treaty in which an Indian delegation in the Wabash River region handed 2.5 to 3 million acres (12,000 km 2 ) from landing on what is now Indiana and Illinois to the US government. The validity of the negotiating agreement is challenged by the claim that the US president, and thus the US government, does not allow them. Negotiations also involve what some historians have described as bribes, which include offering substantial subsidies to their tribes and leaders, and liberally distributing liquor before negotiations begin.

Tecumseh and his brother, Tenskwatawa, who vigorously wanted to defend their independence from America, denounced the agreement, openly hostile to those who had signed it, including other tribal leaders, and began recruiting members into their pan-Indian alliance. Tecumseh emerged as a leader of war and a prominent leader among the Indians who opposed the agreement. Although Shawnee has no claims to the land submitted to the US government under the Fort Wayne Treaty, he is angry that many of those living in Prophetstown are Piankeshaw, Kickapoo, and Wea, the main occupants of the submitted land. Tecumseh revived the idea advocated in previous years by Shawnee leader Blue Jacket and Mohawk leader Joseph Brant who declared that Indian land is owned by everyone.

Tecumseh is not ready to face the United States directly. His main enemies were originally Indian leaders who had signed the Fort Wayne Treaty. Tecumseh, an impressive orator, began traveling widely, urging fighters to leave heads of accommodation and join his resistance movement. He insisted that the Fort Wayne deal was illegal and asked Harrison to cancel it. Tecumseh also warned that Americans should not seek to settle in the lands that were handed over and claim that "the only way to stop this evil [the loss of the land] is so that the red man unites in claiming equal and equal rights on the ground, as it is first, and it should be now, because it was never shared. " Harrison.27s_Confrontation "> Harrison Confrontation

Tecumseh met William Henry Harrison in 1810 and in 1811 to sue the US government to cancel a land cession deal with Shawnee and other tribes. Harrison refused. In mid-August 1810, Tecumseh led 400 armed combatants from Prophetstown to confront Harrison at Grouseland, home of the territorial governor of Vincennes. The appearance of the fighters shocked the townspeople and the encounter quickly became hostile after Harrison rejected Tecumseh's demands. Harrison argues that individual tribes can have links with the US government and claim that the tribes in the area do not welcome Tecumseh's intervention. Tecumseh's response to Harrison's comments included his fiery denial:

Sell ​​a country! Why not sell the air, the big sea, and also the earth? Did not the Great Spirit make everything for his sons to use? How can we trust white people?

Afterwards, several witnesses at the meeting claimed that Tecumseh had incited soldiers to kill Harrison, who responded by withdrawing his sword from the sheath at his side. The small garrison defending the city quickly moved to protect the territorial governor; the head of Potawatomi, Winnemac, stood up and replied to Tecumseh's argument to the group, urging the fighters to go in peace. When the fighters left, Tecumseh warned Harrison that unless the Fort Wayne Treaty was canceled, he would seek an alliance with Britain.

In July 1811, Tecumseh, accompanied by about 300 soldiers, met with Harrison at his home in Vincennes. Tecumseh told Harrison that Shawnee and their Indiana allies wanted to keep peace with the United States; However, their differences must be resolved. The meeting proved unproductive. Harrison believes that the Indians "are just waiting for the fight."

Tecumseh pan-Indian campaign

The Tecumseh pan-Indian movement forms a model for future resistance, as it combines indigenous spirituality and politics to create unity and incentives to fight among indigenous people, yet respect for the religion and language of individual countries. Despite Tecumseh's efforts, most of the southern Indian states rejected his appeal, notably Choctaw leader Pushmataha, who opposed Tecumseh's pan-Indian alliance and insisted on complying with the terms of the peace treaty that had been signed with the US government. However, a faction among the tributaries, later known as the Red Wand, responded to Tecumseh's call for weapons, which led to the Creek War. Tecumseh, whose name means "falling star," also tells the tributaries that comet arrivals hinted at his arrival and that the confederacy and its allies regarded it as a harbinger of luck. McKenney reports that Tecumseh claimed he would prove that the Great Spirit had sent him to the Little River by marking the tribes.

Tippecanoe Battle

When Harrison hears from intelligence that Tecumseh is away, he reports to the US Department of War that Tecumseh puts a "final stroke on his work, I hope, however, before he returns that part of the job he considers complete will be destroyed and even the foundation takes root." Harrison decided to attack first, while Tecumseh does not exist, and forcing the Indians of Prophetstown, which he claims to be a threat to the region, and destroys the village. Harrison marched from Vincennes on September 26, 1811, with more than 1,200 people heading for Prophetstown, where he intended to intimidate followers of the Prophet and weaken the influence of spiritual leaders.

Meanwhile, Tenskwatawa thinks that a battle with Harrison people will persuade more Indians to join the alliance. Tenskwatawa decided to strike first against Harrison's troops instead of following up on a deal he had previously made with Tecumseh to evacuate Prophetstown if the American military approached the village. Before the battle, the Prophet declared that they would not be harmed if they attacked the white man and the soldiers would not die.

On November 6, 1811, when Harrison and about 1,000 of his men approached Nabistown, the Prophet sent messengers to request a meeting with Harrison to negotiate. Harrison agreed to meet him the next day and camp with his troops on the nearby hill about two miles from Prophetstown. In the hours before dawn on November 7, about 600 to 700 soldiers launched a surprise attack on the Harrison camp to start the Tippecanoe Battle. Harrison's men retained their position in a two-hour engagement, but the Prophet's soldiers withdrew from the field and left Nabistown after the battle. Americans burned the village to the ground the next day and returned to Vincennes.

An American Indian named Shabonee then explains in his direct report on an event that Harrison originally intended to negotiate, but the Indians were ready to fight. The Shawnee reported that the young soldiers said, "We are ten of them, if they stay on one side, we will leave them alone, and if they cross Wabash we will take their scalps or take them to the river." Shabonee also asserted that Tenskwatawa attacked at the urging of the Canadians and "Tippecanoe's battle is a white man's job coming from Canada and urging us to fight."

The battle did not end the Indian resistance against America. Despite his loss in Prophetstown, Tecumseh continued his role as a military leader of the pan-India alliance and began rebuilding his membership. However, many tribes who lost their faith and big plans to build stronger Indian alliances have never been fulfilled. The fight was also a severe blow to Tenskwatawa's prestige. He lost his influence among the Indians, as well as his brother's trust. The Prophet became an outcast and eventually moved to Canada, where he served as one of Tecumseh's subordinates during the War of 1812.

When America fought with Britain in 1812, Tecumseh's War became part of the struggle. On December 16, 1811, the New Madrid earthquake shook the South and Midwest. Although the interpretation of these events varies from one tribe to another, a consensus is universally accepted: a terrible earthquake must mean something. For many tribes in the pan-India alliance, that means Tecumseh and the Prophet must be supported.

12-year-old girl accused of threatening shooting at Tecumseh ...
src: static-16.sinclairstoryline.com

War of 1812

Siege of Detroit

Tecumseh deployed his confederations and united his troops with British troops who invaded the Upper Northwest Territories of Canada. He joined British Major General Sir Isaac Brock in the Siege of Detroit, helping to force the surrender of the city in August 1812. At one point in the battle, when Brock advanced to a point just out of the reach of Detroit's weapons, Tecumseh had about 400 warriors marching out from the wood nearby and spun back to repeat the maneuver, making it appear that there were more people under his command than it actually was. Brigadier General William Hull, commander of the castle, surrendered for fear of the massacre. The victory was a huge strategic value for British allies.

Tecumseh was made a brigadier general in the British army as supreme commander of his Indian ally. In an effort to honor Tecumseh for his help during the siege, Major General Henry Procter, the next British commander in the region, gave him a sling, but Tecumseh returned it "with disrespect."

The victory in Detroit reversed a little over a year later, when the Commodore Perry victory at Lake Erie in the summer of 1813 cut off England's supply lines. Along with the successful defense of William Henry Harrison of Fort Meigs, who created the staging area to reclaim Fort Detroit, England found themselves in a sustainable position and had to retreat from the city. They set fire to all public buildings in Detroit and retreated to Upper Canada along the Thames Valley. Tecumseh sought continued British support to defend tribal lands against America. However, the reinforced Harrison pushed the invasion into Canada.

Siege of the Fort Meigs

The siege began on May 5, 1813, when small British troops with less than 1,000 people under the command of Major General Procter, the British commander on the Detroit border, and about 1,250 Indian soldiers led by Tecumseh and Wyandot leader Roundhead attempted to capture Fort Meigs in Northwest Ohio. Britain hopes that the attempt will delay the US attack on Detroit, which Britain has captured in 1812. American troops of 1,100 people suffered heavy casualties, but Britain and their Indian allies failed to capture Fort Meigs. On May 7, the provisions were set for the exchange or release of British and American prisoners.

After the initial battle, several Indian soldiers managed to kill some American prisoners before Tecumseh, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Elliott, and Captain Thomas McKee of the Indian Department persuaded them to stop. Tecumseh reportedly asked Procter why he did not stop the massacre. Procter, who complains that the Indians can not be compelled to respond, replied, "Go! You're not worthy to be ruled away and wear skirts." According to another report on the incident, Tecumseh supposedly rebuked Procter by saying, "I conquered to save; you killed." Eyewitnesses estimate that between twelve and fourteen Americans were killed in the massacre. Tecumseh's actions during the event were deemed to be the main reason why he later became a hero also in the United States and was considered a "savage noble."

Thames River Battle

Major General Procter did not have the same working relationship with Tecumseh as his predecessor Isaac Brock. Tecumseh and Proctor disagree over the tactics. While Procter supports the withdrawal to Canada to avoid further fighting, making America suffer from the hardships of winter, Tecumseh is more eager to quickly launch and define actions to defeat America and allow its fighters to reclaim their homeland in the northwest. Meanwhile, Harrison pursues the English tribes and the retreating allies. When Procter's troops failed to appear at Chatham in Upper Canada (although he had promised Tecumseh that he would stay there against the Americans), Tecumseh reluctantly moved his men to meet Procter forces near Moraviantown. Tecumseh told Procter that he would step down further and announce that if the British wanted his sustained aid, they needed to wait for Harrison's arrival and fight. At the end of the speech, Tecumseh stated:

Our lives are in the hands of the Great Spirit. We are determined to defend our land, and if that is the will, we want to leave our bones on it.

On October 5, 1813, the Americans attacked and won victory over America and Native Americans at the Battle of the River Thames, near Moraviantown. Tecumseh was killed. After the battle, most of the Indian confederations surrendered to Harrison in Detroit and returned to their homes.

Tecumseh Open 2017 (2017, Windsor Essex Disc Golf) · Disc Golf Scene
src: m.discgolfscene.com


The circumstances surrounding Tecumseh's death are unclear because of several conflicting accounts. Some sources claim that Colonel Richard Johnson killed Tecumseh during a cavalry attack. However, the historian Wyandott, Peter D. Clarke, offers a different explanation after talking to an Indian who has fought in battle: "[A] brave Potawatamie, who, upon seeing an American officer (supposed to be Colonel Johnson) on a horse. turned into a tomahawk pursuer, but was shot down by him with his gun.... The brave Potawatamie who fell was probably taken to Tecumseh by some Harrison infantry, and mutilated immediately after the battle. "

John Sugden, who gave an in-depth examination of Tecumseh's death in his book, Tecumseh's Last Stand (1985), suggested that crediting Johnson to take Tecumseh's life would, and indeed, greatly enhance Johnson's political career. In 1836, when Johnson was elected as US Vice President, and again in 1840, supporters of his campaign used the slogan, "Rumpsey Dumpsey, Rumpsey Dumpsey, Colonel Johnson killed Tecumseh." However, after a deep study, Sugden can not conclude that Johnson killed Tecumseh.

In another account, "An Indian half and half white, named William Caldwell... overtook and passed Tecumseh, who walked slowly, using his rifle for a staffer - when asked by Caldwell if he was injured, he replied in English, 'I was shot '- Caldwell noticed where the rifle bullet pierced his chest, through his animal leather hunt coat.The body was found by his friends, where he laid the dead, untouchable, deadly battlefields around the battlefield... "Some Harrison men also claim to have killed Tecumseh; However, none of them were present when Tecumseh was seriously injured.

Other sources call William Whitley the man responsible for Tecumseh's death, but Sugden argues that Whitely has been killed in battle before Tecumseh's death. In his autobiography of 1929, James A. Drain Sr., Whitley's grandson, continues to claim that his grandfather alone shot and killed Tecumseh. As Drain explains it, Whitley is badly wounded, but he sees Tecumseh appearing towards him, "intent on taking for himself a scalp," and pulling his gun "to focus his attention on the red man's breasts.And when he shoots, he falls, and the Indian also, each go where the good fighters go. "

Edwin Seaborn, who recorded the oral history of Saugeen First Nation in the 1930s, gave another report about the death of Tecumseh. Seventeen-year-old A-nep, in 1938, described the accounts of his grandfather's eyewitnesses of Tecumseh's final battle. Peak-a-nep explains that Tecumseh is fighting on the bridge when his spear is tied. Tecumseh "falls after the 'long blade' runs through his shoulders from behind."

Sugden concludes that Tecumseh was killed in a fierce battle in an open row between the Indian and Johnson regimes. Shortly after his death, the Indians withdrew from the battle and headed for Lake Ontario. Details about how he died remain unclear. Tecumseh's body was identified by British prisoners after the battle and was questioned by some Americans who knew him and could confirm that his wounds were consistent with the previous wounds Tecumseh had suffered on his leg (broken thighs and gunshot wounds). The corpse had a fatal injury to the left breast and also showed damage to the head from a blow, possibly caused after his death.

According to Sugden, Tecumseh's body has been tainted, although recent accounts are likely exaggerated. Sugden also discounted several opposing Indian accounts indicating that his body had been removed from the battlefield before it could be mutilated. From his analysis of the evidence, Sugden firmly claims that the remnants of Tecumseh, mutilated unrecognizable, are left on the battlefield. Sugden's (1985) also recounts Tecumseh's burial accounts and the unknown location of his tomb.


Tecumseh is an energetic fighter, a respected warlord, and a powerful and eloquent orator whose purpose in life is to drive Americans away from Indian lands. He and his brother, Tenskwatawa, founded Prophetstown, a large multi-tribal community that attracted thousands of people and became a major center of Indian culture, a temporary barrier to reach the settlers, and a central point for the political and military alliance formed around Tecumseh. With a support base in Prophetstown, Tecumseh became the main organizer and driving force of the American multi-tribal confederation of the Americas. Tecumseh's message promotes tribal unity; he insisted that tribal land belonged to a collective for all Indians.

After the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, Tecumseh continued his role as a pan-India confederation military leader, but the battle ended his plans to form a larger pan-India alliance. Tecumseh and the Indian resistance movement allied with Britain against America during the War of 1812, but his death at the Thames River Battle in 1813 and the end of the 1812 War led to the collapse of the alliance. Over the next few years the Indians handed over their remaining land east of the Mississippi River to the US government. Since most Indians were transferred to reservation land in the western United States, white settlers claimed Indian land in the Northwest Sea Area for themselves.

Tecumseh is considered "one of India's most sophisticated and renowned leaders in all history." However, his weakness as an ambitious, impulsive and arrogant leader willing to make significant sacrifices, including risking the lives of his followers, had an impact on the Indian resistance movement. Despite its relentless efforts, the pan-India alliance failed to achieve its goal of maintaining control over Indian land in the Northwest Territory.

Consequences for Native Americans

Tecumseh's death was a decisive blow for American Indians. It had greater implications during the negotiations for the Treaty of Ghent (1814). During the agreement process, the UK called on the US government to return land in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan to India. For decades, the British strategy was to create a buffer state to block American expansion, but the Americans refused to consider the British proposal and it was canceled. Although Article IX of the treaty includes provision to return to the indigenous population "all possessions, rights and privileges which they may enjoy, or are entitled to 1811", the provisions shall not be applicable.

Tecumseh's dream of a pan-India confederation would not come true until 1944, with the establishment of the American Indian National Congress.

Cheating speech is associated with Tecumseh

The historiography of Tecumseh, as well as the popular image of Native Americans, has been significantly influenced by two famous speeches believed to be counterfeit.

Span of Tuckaubatchee

This speech was said to have been delivered in 1811, somewhere in modern Alabama, to a large group of Creeks who gathered. It was reported by John Francis Hamtramck Claiborne in 1860, his account credited to General Samuel Dale, who allegedly attended the meeting:

Contrary to white soldiers from Ohio and Kentucky, I have traveled through their settlement, after our favorite hunting ground. There was no sound of war cry, but there was blood on our knives. Pale's faces felt the blow, but did not know where it came from. Cursed race that has usurped in our country and made women of our soldiers. Our fathers, from their graves, denounce us as slaves and cowards. I hear them now in the wailing wind. The Muscogee was once a strong man. The Georgians are trembling at your war-shouts, and the girls of my tribe, in the distant lake, sing the greatness of your soldiers and sigh for their embrace. Now your blood is very white; your tomahawks have no edge; Your bow and arrow are buried with your father. Oh! Muscogees, my mother's brothers, the brush of your eyelids sleeping slavery; once again attacking for revenge; once again for your country. The spirits of the mighty dead complain. Their tears descended from the crying sky. Let the white race perish. They seize your land; they damage your women; they trample upon your dead ashes! Back, where they came from, on the trail of blood, they had to be moved. Back! back, ay, into the great water that damned waves bring them to our shores! Burn their place! Destroy their stock! Kill their wives and children! The Red Man has a country, and Pale faces should not enjoy it. War now! War forever! War over life! War on the dead! Dig up their corpses from the cemetery. Our country must not rest on the bones of a white man. This is the will of the Great Spirit, revealed to my brother, familiar, the Prophet of the Lake. He sent me to you. All the tribes in the north dance the war dance. Two mighty warriors across the ocean will send us weapons. Tecumseh will soon return to his country. My prophets will live with you. They will stand between you and your enemy bullets. When white people approach you the evaporated earth will swallow them. Soon you will see my fire arms stretch across the sky. I will stamp my feet in Tippecanoe, and the earth will shake.

The above accounts have since been very popular, constantly mentioned and cited in books, reviews, and websites. His belief, however, was questioned in 1895 by historians Henry Sale Halbert and Timothy Horton Ball, according to whom "there is no plausible proof that it contains substance from Tecumseh's statement", and it shows "killer, revenge, barbarous Tecumseh from the imagination rather than facts ". About ninety years later the whole question was thoroughly examined by the English historian John Sugden, who even came to a sharper conclusion: "Claiborne's description of Tecumseh at Tuckabatchie... is a fraud" and "the student... is warned not to use his [ ] influential but fake account ". Full of colorful expressions, even alliterations, no uneducated Americans will be used: the wind blows, slavery sleep, the crying sky, the earth yawns.

Speech to Osages

The Tecumseh's speech was allegedly conveyed to a group of Osages on his way home, as well as in 1811. It was reported by John Dunn Hunter, an Anglo-American whose parents had been killed by Kickapoos, and later appointed among Osages. It's like a sermon or a nineteenth-century political speech:

Tecumseh is revered in Canada as a hero and military commander who played a leading role in Canada's successful rejection of the American invasion of the War of 1812, which, inter alia, finally raised Canadian nationality in 1867 under the laws of North American Britain. Among the tributes, Tecumseh is ranked 37th on the list of The Greatest Canadian. The Canadian naval reserve unit HMCS Tecumseh is based in Calgary, Alberta. The Royal Canadian Mint released a two-dollar coin on June 18, 2012 and will release four quarters, celebrating the Bicentennial of the War of 1812. The second quarter in the series, released in November 2012 and featuring Tecumseh.

The Ontario Heritage Foundation & amp; Kent Military Reenactment Society founded the plaque at Tecumseh Park, 50 William Street North, Chatham, Ontario, read: "On this site, Tecumseh, a Shawnee Chief, who was an ally of England during the war of 1812 , fought against American troops on October 4, 1813. Tecumseh was born in 1768 and became an important organizer of indigenous resistance to the spread of white settlements in North America. One day after the battle here, he was killed at the Thames Battle near Moraviantown. name to commemorate strong will and determination. "

He is also revered by a large portrait hanging at the Royal Canadian Military Institute. The job opening, which was assigned under the patronage of Kathryn Langley Hope and Trisha Langley, took place at Toronto-based RCMI on October 29, 2008.

War replica 1812 warship HMS Tecumseh was built in 1994 and featured in Penetanguishene, Ontario, near the original HMS shipwreck Tecumseh . The original HMS Tecumseh was built in 1815 for use in defense against America. First on Lake Erie, he moved to Lake Huron in 1817. He drowned in the port of Penetanguishene in 1828, and grew up in 1953.

AS. Military

The United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, has Tecumseh Court, which is located outside the front entrance of Bancroft Hall, and features a statue of Tecumseh. The statue is often decorated to celebrate special days. The statue was originally intended to represent Tamanend, a 17th-century Indian chieftain known as a lover of peace and friendship, but the Academy midshipmen preferred Tecumseh warriors, and had referred to the statue by name.

Four US Navy ships are named USS Tecumseh .

  • USSÃ, first Tecumseh (1863), is a Canonicus monitor -class, commissioned on April 19, 1864. It was lost with almost all hands on August 5, in the Battle of Mobile Bay.
  • USSÃ, the second Tecumseh (YT-24), is a tug boat, originally named Edward Luckenbach, purchased by the Navy in 1898 and renamed. He served and continued until he was beaten from the list of Navy ca. 1945.
  • USSÃ, third Tecumseh (YT-273), is a Pessacus tugboat , which was commissioned in 1943 and launched in 1975.
  • The USSÃ, the fourth Tecumseh (SSBN-628), was James Madison's ballistic missile submarine, commissioned in 1964 and launched in 1993.

Name of people

Union Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman, was given the middle name of Tecumseh because "my father... has liked a great leader of Shawnees." Another Civil War general, Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh Dana, also gave birth to Shawnee's leader. (Evolutionary biologist and cognitive scientist, W. Tecumseh Fitch is named after Sherman, and thus only indirectly to the chief.)

City name

A number of cities have been named in honor of Tecumseh, including in the states of Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and the province of Ontario, as well as the towns and townships of New Tecumseth, Ontario, and Mount Tecumseh in New Hampshire.

School name

Schools named to honor Tecumseh include, in the United States: Tecumseh Junior - Senior High in Hart Township, Warrick County, outside Lynnville, Indiana. Lafayette Tecumseh Junior High in Lafayette, Indiana. Tecumseh-Harrison Elementary in Vincennes, Indiana. Tecumseh Acres Elementary, Tecumseh Middle and Tecumseh High in Tecumseh, Michigan. Tecumseh Elementary in Farmingville, New York. Tecumseh Elementary in Jamesville, New York. Tecumseh Middle and Tecumseh High in Bethel Township, Clark County near New Carlisle, Ohio and their district, Tecumseh Local School District. Tecumseh Elementary in Xenia Township, Greene County near Xenia, Ohio. Tecumseh Middle and Tecumseh High in Tecumseh, Oklahoma. And in Canada: Tecumseh Elementary in Vancouver. Tecumseh Public in Burlington, Ontario. Tecumseh Public School in Chatham, Ontario. Tecumseh Public School in London, Ontario. Tecumseh Senior Public in Scarborough, Ontario.


The portrait of Benson Lossing's Tecraseh work, in his 1868 The Pictorial Fieldbook of War of 1812 (p. 283), is based on a sketch done from life in 1808. Loss alters the original by placing Tecumseh in British uniform, under a false (but widespread) belief that Tecumseh is a British general. This depiction is unusual because it includes a nose ring, popular among Shawnee at the time, but is usually omitted in idealized depictions. On the other hand, the artist quotes Captain J. B. Glegg as follows: "Three small silver cross or coronet is hung from cartilage under its luminous nose [...]" . (Brother Tecumseh "The Prophet" is depicted with a nose ring in Lossing's book - also by George Catlin.) In addition to Tecumseh's "gala dress" (at the Detroit Delivery celebration) the disadvantage is mentioned, also his face may not be given faithfully - there is no fully confirmed portrait of the Shawnee leader there . In general, many famous portraits and statues have been made several decades after the death of Tecumseh, by artists unaccustomed to Tecumseh's true appearance.

Many depictions show how Colonel Richard Johnson, led the Thames River battle cavalry, shot Tecumseh - see above for doubt (it has been reported that an Indian raised his tomahawk against Johnson and was shot by the latter, while some reports deny that this Indian is Tecumseh). These depictions range from book illustrations to parts of the US Capitol frieze rotunda.


In Canada, the Royal Ontario Museum exhibits the Tecumseh statue made by Hamilton MacCarthy in 1896.

German sculptor Ferdinand Pettrich (1798-1872) studied under the neo-classical sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen in Rome and moved to the United States in 1835. He was particularly impressed by the Indians. He was modeled The Dying Tecumseh ca. 1837-1846; finished 1856 in marble and copper alloy. The statue is on display in the US Capitol, where stereoscopic photographs were taken in the later 1860s; in 1916 was transferred to the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

In recent years, Peter Wolf Toth has created the Trail of the Whispering Giants, a series of statues that honor Native Americans. He contributed a work devoted to Tecumseh to the City of Vincennes, which was Indiana's territorial capital in the years around 1810, where Tecumseh confronted Governor William Henry Harrison, and in the area where Tecumseh and War 1812 wars began. In Lafayette, Indiana, Tecumseh appeared along with the Marquis de Lafayette and Harrison in the pediment at Tippecanoe County Courthouse (1882).

Source of the article : Wikipedia
