Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Bikini Competition Suits | Fitness Bikinis | Bodybuilding Bikinis Aus

Bikini usually describes a simple two-piece swimsuit featuring two triangles of cloth on top, similar to a bra and covering a woman's breasts, and two fabric triangles at the bottom, the front covering the pelvis but exposing the navel, and the back cover the buttocks. The top and bottom sizes can vary from full coverage of breasts, pelvis, and buttocks, to very minimal designs such as thongs or G-strings that only cover the areola and mons pubis, but expose the buttocks.

Fashion designer Jacques Heim from Paris released a two-piece swimsuit design in 1946 which he named Atome. Like the swimsuits of the day, it covered the navel of the wearer, and failed to attract much attention. Paris automotive engineer and designer Louis RÃ © introduced his design soon after. The minimal design was a little rough, showing the navel of the wearer and most of his butt. There is no runway model that will wear it, so he hires strippers from the Casino de Paris to model it on the swimwear fashion review. He named the swimsuit after Bikini Atoll, the first public test spot on a nuclear bomb just four days earlier.

Due to its controversial and revealing design, the bikini is received very slowly by the public. It's getting increased exposure and acceptance as movie stars like Brigitte Bardot, Raquel Welch, and Ursula Andress wearing it and being photographed on public beaches and seen in the movies. In many countries its design is banned from beaches and other public places.

Minimalist bikini designs became common in most Western countries in the mid-1960s both as swimwear and underwear. At the end of the 20th century it was widely used as a sportswear in beach volleyball and bodybuilding. There are a number of variations of modern styles from designs used for marketing purposes and as an industry classification, including monokini, microkini, tankini, trikini, pubikini, and skirtini. Short swimwear of a man can also be called a bikini. Similarly, various types of men's and women's apparel are described as bikini underwear.

Bikinis have gradually grown to gain widespread acceptance in Western society. In the early 2000s, bikinis had become US $ 811 million annually, and encouraged spin-off services such as waxing bikinis and sun tanning.

Video Bikini

Etymology and terminology

While the two-piece swimsuit as a design existed in classical antiquity, modern design first attracted public attention in Paris on July 5, 1946. French automotive engineer Louis RÃÆ'Ã © ard introduced a design he named "bikini", adopted the name of the Atoll The Bikini in the Pacific Ocean, which is a colonial name given German to the atoll, is transliterated from the Marshall name for the island, Pikinni range> .

Four days earlier, the United States had begun its first nuclear weapons test in Bikini Atoll as part of the Intersection Operation. RÃÆ'Â Â ard hopes the style of revealing her bathing suit will create "explosive commercial and cultural reactions" similar to the explosion in Bikini Atoll.

By making an analogy with words like bilingual and bilateral that contain the Latin prefix "bi-" (meaning "two" in Latin), the word bikini was first derived because it consists of two parts, now by Rudi Gernreich, who introduced monokini in 1964. Swimsuit designs such as tankini and trikini cemented this derivation. Over time " -kini family" (as dubbed by author William Safire), including " -ini sister" (as nicknamed by designer Anne Cole), expanded to various swimwear including monokini (also known as numokini or unique), seekini, tankini, camikini, hikini (also hipkini), minikini, latest face, burkini, and microkini. The Language Report , compiled by lexicographer Susie Dent and published by Oxford University Press (OUP) in 2003, considers lexicographic discoveries such as the bandeena and camkini, two variants of the tankini, important to observe. Although the "bikini" was originally a registered trademark of RÃÆ' Â © ard, it has since become generic.

Variations of this term are used to describe stylistic variations for promotional purposes and industrial classification, including monokini, microkini, tankini, trikini, pubikini, bandeukini and skirtini. A man's short swimsuit can also be called a bikini. Similarly, various types of men's and women's apparel are described as bikini underwear.

Maps Bikini


In ancient times

Archaeologist James Mellaart describes the earliest bikini-like costumes in ÃÆ'â € atalhÃÆ'¶yÃÆ'¼k, Anatolia in the Chalcolithic era (around 5600 BC), in which a mother goddess is depicted straddling two leopards dressed in costumes rather like a bikini. The two-piece swimsuit can be traced back to the Greco-Roman world, where bikini-like clothing worn by female athletes is depicted on jars and paintings dating from 1400 BC.

In the Mosaic Coronation, the mosaic on the floor of a Roman villa in Sicily dating from the Diocletian period (286-305 AD), young women participated in weightlifting, throwing discs, and playing ball games wearing bikini-like clothing technical bandeaukinis in modern lexicon). The mosaic, found in Villa Sicilian Romana del Casale, features ten girls who have been anachronistically nicknamed "Bikini Girls". The discovery of other Roman archeology depicts the goddess Venus in similar clothing. In Pompeii, Venus's depiction of wearing a bikini was found at Casa della Venere, in the Julia Felix House tablium, and in the Via Dell'Abbondanza atrium park.

Bikini Precursor in the West

Swimming or bathing outdoors is not recommended in Christian West, so there is little demand or need for swimming or bathing costumes until the 18th century. The 18th-century bathing suit is a loose, long-sleeved loose dress made from wool or flannel that maintains coverage and decency.

In 1907, Australian swimmer and performer, Annette Kellerman, was arrested on the Boston coast for wearing a sleeveless, one-piece sleeveless knitwear that covered her body from neck to foot, the costume she adopted from England, even though her bathing suit was acceptable to women. in some parts of Europe in 1910. In 1913, designer Carl Jantzen made the first two-piece functional swimwear. Inspired by the introduction of women into the Olympic pool he designed a tight costume with shorts for the bottom and short sleeves for the top.

During the 1920s and 1930s, people began to shift from "taking water" to "absorbing sunshine", in baths and spas, and swimwear designs shifted from functional considerations to incorporating more decorative features. Rayon was used in 1920 in the manufacture of tight swimwear, but its durability, especially when wet, proved problematic. Jersey and silk are also sometimes used. In the 1930s, manufacturers had lowered the neckline on the back, took off the arm, and tightened the sides. With the development of new clothing materials, especially latex and nylon, swimwear gradually began to embrace the body until the 1930s, with a shoulder strap that could be lowered for tanning.

Women's swimsuits from the 1930s and 1940s included increased levels of exposure in the abdomen. The 1932 Hollywood Movie Three on a Match features a swimsuit showing off two swimsuits. Teen magazines in the late 1940s and 1950s displayed similar designs of clothing and mid-abdominal cuts. However, the clothing of the headwaters is stated only for beaches and informal events and is considered obscene in public. Hollywood supports new glamor in films like 1949's Neptune's Daughter where Esther Williams wore provocative costumes named like "Double Entender" and "Honey Child".

Wartime production during World War II required large quantities of cotton, silk, nylon, wool, leather, and rubber. In 1942, the United States War Production Council passed the Regulation of L-85, cutting the use of natural fibers in clothing and required a 10% reduction in the amount of cloth in women's swimsuits. To comply with the regulation, swimsuit manufacturers release skirt panels and other equipment, while increasing the production of a two-piece swimsuit with a bare belly. At the same time, demand for all swimsuits declined as there was little interest in going to the beach, especially in Europe.

Modern bikini

In post-World War II Europe, Western Europeans enjoyed their first war-free summer for many years. French designers strive to provide clothing that matches the mood of liberated people. Fabrics are still in short supply, and in an effort to revive the sale of swimwear, two French designers - Jacques Heim and Louis RÃÆ'Ã © ard Ã, - almost simultaneously launched a new two-piece swimsuit design in 1946. Heim launched a swimsuit design two pieces in Paris which he called atome , after the smallest known matter particle. He announced that it was "the world's smallest swimsuit." Though shorter than a two-piece swimwear of the 1930s, the underside of the new Heim two-piece beach costume still covered the belly button.

Soon after, Louis RÃÆ'Â © erard invented a competing two-piece swimsuit design, which he called bikini . He noticed that women on the beach rolled up the tips of their bathing suits and bosses to improve their tan color. He introduced his design in a swimsuit review held at the popular public swimming pool, Piscine Molitor, four days after the first test of nuclear weapons in Bikini Atoll. The papers are full of news about it and Reard expects the same with his design. RÃ © Â © ard's bikini weakens Heim's atome in its brevity. The design consists of two fabric triangles forming a bra, and two pieces of triangular fabric covering the pubic and butt mons attached to the rope. When he can not find a fashion model that is willing to show his revealing design, RÃÆ' Â © ard hires Micheline Bernardini, a 19-year-old stripper from the Casino de Paris. He announced that his swimsuit, with a total area of ​​30 cm (200 cm) of clothing, "is smaller than the world's smallest swimming suit.". RÃÆ'Ã… © ard says that "like the [atomic] bomb, the bikini is small and destructive". Fashion writer Diana Vreeland described the bikini as "atomic mode bomb". Bernardini received 50,000 fan letters, many of them from men.

Bernardini's photographs and articles on the event were mostly carried by the press. The International Herald Tribune just ran nine stories on the show. The French newspaper Le Figaro wrote, "People want simple pleasures from the sea and the sun.For women, wearing a bikini gives a signal of some sort of second liberation.There is nothing really sexual about this. freedom and return to the pleasures of life. "

Heim's atome is more in keeping with the sense of propriety of the 1940s, but the design of RÃÆ'Â © ard won the public's attention. Although Heim's design is the first worn on the beach and initially sells more swimwear, it is RÃÆ' Â © erard's description of a two-piece swimsuit as a bikini that sticks. When competing designs appear, he states in advertisements that swimwear can not be the original bikini "unless it can be pulled through a wedding ring." Modern bikinis were first made of cotton and t-shirts.

Social resistance

Despite the early success of garments in France, women around the world continue to wear traditional one-piece swimwear. When the sale stalled, RÃÆ' Â © erard returned to design and sell orthodox pants. In 1950, American swimsuit mogul Fred Cole, the owner of the Cole of California swimwear company, told Time that he was "a little but a derision for the famous French Bikinis." Raffard himself then described it as "a two-piece swimsuit that reveals everything about a girl except her mother's maiden name." Fashion Magazine Modern Girl Magazine in 1957 stated that "it is hardly worth wasting the above words called bikinis because it is inconceivable that every girl with wisdom and modesty will ever wear such a thing".

In 1951, Eric Morley hosted the Festival Bikini Contest, a beauty contest and swimwear advertising opportunity at the British Festival that year. The press, greeting the spectacle, calling it Miss World , the name Morley listed as a trademark. The winner is Kiki HÃÆ'  ¥ kansson from Sweden, who was crowned in a bikini. After the coronation, HÃÆ' Â¥ kansson was denounced by Pope Pius XII, while Spain and Ireland threatened to withdraw from the contest. In 1952, bikinis were banned from the contest and replaced by evening dresses. As a result of the controversy, bikinis are explicitly banned from many other beauty contests around the world. Although some people consider bikini and beauty contests as bringing freedom to women, they are opposed by some feminists as well as religious and cultural groups who object to the level of exposure of women's bodies.

The bikini is banned on the Atlantic coast of France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Australia, and is banned or denied in some US states. The Movie Movie Production Code of the United States, also known as the Hays Code, enacted from 1934, allows two pieces of dress but is prohibited showing the navel in Hollywood movies. The National Legion of Decency, a Roman Catholic body that guards American media content, also suppresses Hollywood and foreign film producers to keep bikinis from appearing in Hollywood movies. At the end of 1959, Anne Cole, one of the greatest swimmers designers in the United States, said, "It's nothing more than a G-string, it's at the end of a razor courtesy." The Hays Code was abandoned by the mid-1960s, and with it a ban on women's navel exposure, as well as other restrictions. The influence of the National Legion of Decency was also reduced in the 1960s.

Increase in popularity

The increasingly glamorous images of popular actresses and models on both sides of the Atlantic play a big role in bringing bikinis into the mainstream. During the 1950s, Hollywood stars like Ava Gardner, Rita Hayworth, Lana Turner, Elizabeth Taylor, Tina Louise, Marilyn Monroe, Esther Williams and Betty Grable took advantage of the busty publicity associated with bikinis by posing for their photographs- -Pair from Hayworth and Williams in costume is widely distributed in the United States. In 1950, Elvira PagÃÆ'Â £ walked on Rio Carnival, Brazil wearing a golden bikini, embarking on a bikini carnival tradition.

In Europe, 17-year-old Brigitte Bardot wears a minimal bikini (according to contemporary standards) in the French film Manina, la fille sans voiles ("Manina, the introduced girl"). The promotion for this film, which was released in France in March 1953, drew more attention to Bardot's bikini than the film itself. By the time the film was released in the United States in 1958 it was re-titled Manina, Girl in Bikini . Bardot was also photographed wearing a bikini on the beach during the 1957 Cannes Film Festival. Working with her husband and her agent, Roger Vadim, she received significant attention with photographs of her wearing a bikini on every beach in southern France.

Similar photographs were taken from Anita Ekberg and Sophia Loren, among others. According to The Guardian , Bardot's photographs specifically transform Saint-Tropez into the world's beachwear capital, with Bardot identified as the authentic Cannes bath beauty. Bardot's photography helped raise the public profile of the festival, and Cannes in turn played a significant role in his career.

Brian Hyland's novelty song "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" became a hit Billboard . 1 during the summer of 1960: this song tells of a young girl who was too embarrassed to put on her new bikini on the beach, thinking it was too obscene. Playboy first featured a bikini on its cover in 1962; Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue debuted two years later featuring Babette March in a white bikini on the cover.

Ursula Andress, appeared as a Honey Rider in the British James Bond film of 1962, Dr. Nothing, wearing a white bikini, which came to be known as "Dr. No Bikini". It became one of the most famous bikinis of all time and an iconic moment in cinematic history and fashion. Andress said that he owed his career to the white bikini, commenting, "This bikini made me a success.As a result of starring Dr. No as the first Bond girl, I was given the freedom to take a pick of future roles and become financially independent. "

Bikini was finally caught, and in 1963, the Beach Party movie, starring Annette Funicello and Frankie Avalon, led a wave of films that made bikinis a symbol of pop-culture, although Funicello was banned from wearing Bikini RÃ © ard unlike other young women in the film. In 1965, a woman told Time that it was "almost square" to not wear a bikini; the magazine wrote two years later that "65% of the younger sets are gone".

Raquel Welch's fur bikini in One Million Years B.C. (1966) gave the world the most iconic bikini image of all time and poster images became an iconic moment in the history of cinema. The bikini bark of his skin in One Million Years B.C. , advertised as "the first human bikini", (1966) later described as "the definitive look of the 1960s". His role wearing a leather bikini lifting Welch into a fashion icon and a picture of himself in a bikini being the best-selling pinup poster.

The stretch of nylon bikini pants and bra complement the 1960s teen boutique mode, which allows them to be minimal. DuPont introduced lycra (DuPont name for spandex) in the same decade. Spandex expands the range of novelty fabrics available for designers which means clothing can be made to fit like a second skin without heavy layers. "The emergence of Lycra allows more women to wear bikinis," writes Kelly Killoren Bensimon, former model and author of The Bikini Book, "It's not sagging, not pocketing, and it's hidden and revealed. in longer. "The increased dependence on the stretch fabric leads to simplified construction. It allows designers to create bikini strings, and allows Rudi Gernreich to create a topless monokini. Alternative swimwear like velvet, leather, and hook box emerged in the early 70s.

Bulk acceptance

The company RÃ © ard folded in 1988, four years after his death. By the end of this century, bikinis have become the most popular swimsuits around the world. According to the French fashion historian Olivier Saillard, this is because "the power of women, and not the power of fashion". When he explained, "Swimwear exemption is always associated with women's emancipation," although one survey showed 85% of all bikinis never touched water. In 1988, this bikini produced nearly 20% of swimsuit sales, more than any other model in the US, although one-piece clothing made a comeback during the 1980s and early 1990s.

In 1997, Miss Maryland Jamie Fox became the first contestant in 50 years to compete in a two-piece swimsuit at the Miss America Pageant. Actresses in action films such as Blue Crush (2002) and Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003) made two parts of "the millenium equivalent of suit power," according to Gina Bellafonte of < i> The New York Times ,

According to Beth Dincuff Charleston, a co-researcher at the Institute of Costume of the Metropolitan Art Museum, "Bikini represents a social leap involving body awareness, moral concern, and sexual attitudes." By the early 2000s, bikinis had become a $ 811 million business per year, according to the NPD Group, a consumer and retail information company, and have improved spin-off services such as bikini waxing and the solar tanning industry.

Although child-sized bikinis emerged in the 1950s, in many European countries, bathing suits under size 11 were not generally sold by the top, but in the United States, Britain, and Canada, it was often considered unacceptable for girls in childhood. (age 7-11) to go topless. Some family incidents were evicted from public swimming pools because their topless child had been reported. In 2002, Abercrombie & amp; Fitch has come under fire for selling bikinis and clothing in children's sizes.

Outside the Western world

The 1967 film An Evening in Paris is mostly remembered for featuring Bollywood actress Sharmila Tagore as the first Indian actress to wear a bikini on film. He also posed in a bikini for the shiny Filmfare magazine. The costume shocked conservative Indian audiences, but also moved the trend brought by Zeenat Aman in Heera Panna 1973 and Qurbani Dimple Kapadia at Bobby (1973), and Parveen Pig in Yeh Nazdeekiyan (1982).

Indian women wear bikinis when they are on holiday abroad or in Goa without family. Although conservative ideas are prevalent in India, bikinis have become more popular. In summer, when women swim, often in public spaces, many tankinis, shorts, and one-piece swimsuits are sold. The maximum sales for bikinis occur in winter, in honeymoon season.

At the end of the first decade of the 21st century, China's bikini industry posed a serious international threat to the Brazilian bikini industry. Huludao, Liaoning, China set a world record for the largest bikini parade in 2012, with 1,085 participants and a photo shoot involving 3,090 women.

For most parts of the Middle East, bikinis are banned or highly controversial. In 1966, In 1973, when Lebanese magazine Ash-Shabaka printed a dressed-bikini woman on the front cover they had to make a second version with only a model face. In 2011, Huda Naccache (Miss Earth 2011), when she posed for the cover of Lilac (based in Israel) became the first Arab model to wear a bikini on the cover of an Arabic magazine.

Bikini variant

While the name "bikini" was originally only applied to swimwear that revealed the user's navel, today the fashion industry considers a two-piece bikini swimsuit. Modern bikini modes are characterized by a simple, short design: two triangles of fabric that make up the bra and cover the woman's breasts and one-third forming panties under the navel covering the crotch and buttocks.

Bikinis can and have been made from almost any possible clothing material, and fabrics and other materials used to make bikinis are an important element of their design. Modern bikinis were first made of cotton and t-shirts. The DuPont introduction of Lycra (spandex) in the 1960s completely changed how bikini was designed and worn, in accordance with Kelly Killoren Bensimon, former model and author of The Bikini Book, the rise of Lycra allows more women to wear a bikini... it does not sag, it's not pocketed, and it's hidden and revealed.It's no more like an underwear anymore. "Alternative swimwear like velvet, leather, and box hooks emerged in the early 1970s.

In one fashion show in 1985, there was a two-piece suit with the top of the tank cut in place of the usually bare ribbon ribbon, a bikini-like suit from the front and a single piece from the back, a suspenders rope, ruffles and a navel in pieces. Pieces of jewelry from metal and stone are now often used to dress up the look and style according to taste. To meet the rapid demands, some manufacturers are now offering ready-made bikinis in just seven minutes. The most expensive bikini in the world was designed in February 2006 by Susan Rosen; contains 150 carats (30 grams) of diamonds, that's worth 20 million pounds.

Main style

There are a variety of different bikini styles available - bikini strings, monokinis (topless or top and bottom connected), Tricinis (three pieces instead of two), tankinis (tank top, bottom bikini), camikinis (top camisole, bottom bikini), bandeaukini bandeau, bikini bottom), skirtini (bikini top, bottom skirt), "granny bikini" (bikini top, boys shorts down), hikinis (also hipkini), seekinis (transparent), minikinis, microkinis, miniminis, catapults (or bikinis suspenders), basic thongs, tie-sides (various bikini strings) and tears.

Bikini in sports

Bikinis have become a major component of marketing various women's sports. This is the official uniform for beach volleyball and is widely used in athletic and other sports. Bikini sports have gained popularity since the 1990s. However, the trend has raised some criticism as an attempt to sell sex. Female swimmers do not usually wear bikinis in competitive pools. The International Swimming Federation (FINA) voted to ban female swimmers from racing in bikinis during their meeting in Rome in 1960.

Beach volley

In 1994, the bikini became the official uniform of women's Olympic beach volleyball. In 1999, Volleyball Federation International (FIVB) beach volleyball uniform, with bikinis being a compulsory uniform for women. The bottom of the regulation is called "bun-hugger", and the player's name is often written on the back of the bottom.

The uniform made its Olympic debut at Sydney's Bondi Beach at the 2000 Summer Olympics amid some criticism. It is the fifth largest television audience of all sports in the 2000 Olympics. Most attention is due to the sex appeal of the players who wear bikinis and their athletic abilities. Bikini dancers and cheerleaders entertained the audience during breaks in many beach volleyball tournaments, including the Olympics. Even the indoor volley costumes follow to be smaller and tighter.

However, FIVB's mandate of bikini has problems. Some sports officials consider it exploitative and impractical in cold weather. It also attracted the anger of some athletes. At the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, Qatar, only one Muslim - Iraqi country - fielded the team in a beach volleyball competition due to fears that the uniform was inappropriate. They refused to wear bikinis. Weather during night matches at the 2012 London Olympics is so cold that players sometimes have to wear shirts and leggings. Earlier in 2012, FIVB has announced it will allow shorts (maximum length 3 cm (1.2 inches) above the knee) and arm boss in the match. Richard Baker, a spokesman for the federation, said that "many of these countries have religious and cultural requirements so that uniforms should be more flexible".

Bikini remains favored by most players and corporate sponsors. The US women's team has cited several advantages of bikini uniforms, such as comfort while playing in the sand during hot weather. Competitors Natalie Cook and Holly McPeak support the bikini as a practical uniform for the sport that is played in sand during the summer. Olympic gold medal winner Kerry Walsh said, "I love our uniform." According to fellow gold medalist Misty May-Treanor and Walsh it does not limit the motion.

One feminist view sees a bikini uniform as an objectification of female athletes. US beach volleyball player Gabrielle Reece described the bikini's ass uncomfortably by constantly "whipping and fluttering." Many women's beach volleyball players have been injured because their stomach muscles are too tight while many others undergo augmentation mamoplasty to look attractive in their uniforms. Australian competitor Nicole Sanderson said of the break-break entertainment that disrespected the women's players. I'm sure the male audience likes it, but I feel a bit offensive. "

Sports journalism expert Kimberly Bissell conducted a study of the camera angles used during the 2004 Summer Olympic beach volleyball game. Bissell found that 20% of the camera angles focused on the woman's chest, and 17% in their butt. Bissell theorizes that players' performances attract fans more than their real athleticism. Sports commentator Jeanne Moos commented, "Beach volleyball has now joined the go-go girl dancing as there may be only two professions where the bikini is the required uniform." British Olympian Denise Johns argues that regulatory uniforms are meant to be "sexy" and to attract attention. RubÃÆ'Â © n Acosta, president of FIVB, said that it makes the game more appealing to the audience.


From the 1950s to the mid-1970s, the male contest format was often added with women's beauty contests or bikini performances. The winners won titles such as Miss Body Beautiful, Miss Physical Fitness and Miss Americana, and also awarded trophies to the men's contest winners. In the 1980s, the Ms Olympia competition began in the United States and in England, the NABBA (National Amateur Body Building Association) renamed Miss Bikini International to Ms Universe. In 1986, the Ms Universe competition was divided into two parts - "physical" (for a more muscular physique) and "figure" (traditional feminine presentation in high heels). In November 2010 IFBBF (International Federation of BodyBuilding & Fitness) introduced a women's bikini contest for women who did not want to build their muscles to find the level of competition.

The costumes are a "posing stem" rule (bikini pants) for men and women. American female bodybuilders are prohibited from wearing thongs or T-back swimsuits in contests filmed for television, even though they are allowed to do so by certain fitness organizations in closed events. For men, the dress code determines "swimwear only (no shorts, cut-off pants, or Speedos)."

Other sports

Women in athletics often wear bikinis of the same size as worn on beach volleyball. Amy Acuff, a US high jumper, wore a black bikini instead of a sportswear at the 2000 Summer Olympics. Florence Griffith-Joyner runner mingled the bikini base with one-legged pants at the 1988 Summer Olympics, gaining more attention than her breaking performance record in the women's 200-meter show. In the 2007 South Pacific Games, the rules were adjusted to allow players to wear less open shorts and sports tops that were cut off instead of bikinis. At the Western Asian Games in 2006, organizers banned bikini-bottoms for female athletes and asked them to wear long shorts.

String bikinis and other open clothing are common in surfing, although most of the bikini surfs are stronger with more coverage than sunbathing bikinis. Surfing Magazine printed Kymberly Herrin, Playboy Playmate in March 1981, surfed in an open bikini, and finally started an annual bikini edition. The Association of Surfing Professionals often pair surfing women meet with bikini contests, a problem that divides the female pro-surf community into two parts. It's often more profitable to win a bikini contest than a women's surf event.

Body ideals

In 1950, American swimsuit mogul Fred Cole, owner of Cole of California, told Time that the bikini was designed for "little Gallic ladies", such as because "French girls have short legs... swimwear should be be climbing sideways to make their feet look longer. "In 1961, The New York Times reported the opinion that bikinis are allowed for people who are not" too fat or too skinny ". In the 1960s the author of the Emily Post etiquette stated that "[A bikini] is only for perfect figures, and for very young ones." In The Bikini Book by Kelly Killoren Bensimon, designer of swimwear Norma Kamali says, "Anyone with a belly" should not wear a bikini. Since then, a number of bikini designers including Malia Mills have encouraged women of all ages and body types to take on the style. The 1970s saw the emergence of the slim ideals of women's bodies and figures such as Cheryl Tiegs. His figure remained popular in the 21st century.

The fitness explosion in the 1980s caused one of the biggest jumps in bikini evolution. According to Mills, "The line becomes super high, superlow front, and super rope." Women's magazines use terms such as "Bikini Belly", and exercise programs are launched to develop a "decent bikini body". The small "Fitness-bikini" made from lycra was launched to meet this hardbodied ideal. Movies such as Blue Crush and TV reality shows such as Surf Girls combine the concept of bikini models and athletes together, increasingly highlighting the ideal body is tight. Some women, motivated by the annual Spring Break celebrations that mark the start of the bikini season in North America, engage in eating disorders in an effort to reach the ideal bikini body.

In 1993, Suzy Menkes, then Fashion Editor of the International Herald Tribune , suggested that women had begun to "rebel" against the "ideal body" and "exposure" bikini. He wrote, "Significantly, on the beaches like on the streets, some of the youngest and most beautiful women (who were the only ones who dared to be naked) seem to have decided that the exposure is over." Nevertheless, professional beach volleyballist Gabrielle Reece, who competed in bikinis, claimed that "confident" alone can make the bikini sexy. One survey commissioned by Diet Chef, a home delivery service in the UK, reported by The Today Show and ridiculed by the magazine More shows that women should stop wearing a bikini at the age of 47..

Bikini underwear

Certain types of clothing are described as bikini underwear and designed for men and women. For women, bikini or bikini underwear is underwear that has the same size and shape as a regular bikini. This can refer to almost any underwear that provides less coverage to the heart than lingerie, underwear or pants, especially suitable for clothing such as crop tops. For men, bikini underwear is a smaller and more open underwear than the classic men's pants. Men's bikini pants can be low or high which is usually lower than the actual waist, often in the hips, and usually have no pockets or flaps, ribbons on the top of the thighs. String bikini pants have the front and back that meet in the groin but not at the waist, without a cloth on the side of the foot.

Swimwear and underwear have the same design considerations, both are the right clothes. The main difference is, unlike underwear, swimwear is open to the public. The swimsuit, and, following the style of clothing, and at the same time the attitude towards the bikini begins to change, the underwear undergoes a redesign towards the minimal design, without the stress that emphasizes comfort first.


As the swimsuit evolved, the underwear began to change. Between 1900 and 1940, long swimwear followed a change in clothing design. In the 1920s women began throwing corsets, while the Cadole company from Paris began to develop something they called a "breast corset". During the Great Depression, the panties and bra became softly constructed and made of various elastic threads making the garments fit like a second skin. In the 1930s the style of clothing for women and men was influenced by the new brief model of swimwear from Europe. Although the belt is still above the navel, the aperture of the shorts is cut in the bow to rise from the groin to the hip joint. This brief serves as a template for almost all variations of underwear for the rest of the century. Warner standardized the concept of Cup size in 1935. The first underwire bra developed in 1938. Beginning in the late 1930s skants, a type of men's shorts, were introduced, displaying very high and low aperture to the waist.. Howard Hughes designed a push-up bra to be worn by Jane Russell at The Outlaw in 1943, although Russell stated in interviews that he never wore 'tools'. In 1950 Maidenform introduced the first sexy bra that boosted breasts.

In the 1960s, bikini swimsuits influenced the style of underwear and coincided with a pair of lower jeans and pants. In the seventies, with the appearance of tight jeans, the underwear version became mainstream, because the back is open, the back strap eliminates every panty line in the back and hips. In the 1980s the French pant designs pushed the waist down to the natural waistline and the appearance of foot openings was almost as tall (French Cut panties up to the waist, having high foot pieces, and usually full behind). Like bra and other types of underwear, manufacturers in the last quarter of the century market a panty style designed primarily for their sexual appeal. Since this decade, sex and eroticization of the male body is on the rise. The male body is celebrated through ad campaigns for brands such as Calvin Klein, mainly by photographers Bruce Weber and Herb Ritts. Male bodies and men's underwear are commodified and packaged for mass consumption, and swimsuits and sportswear are affected by sports and fitness photography. Over time, swimwear evolved from heavy wool to tight-leather high-tech outfits, ended up crossbreeding with sportswear, underwear and sportswear, producing interchangeable modes from the 1990s.

Bikini man

The term male bikini is sometimes used to describe swimming trunks. Bikinis men can have high or low side panels, and side straps or sides of ties. Most do not have a button or a front flap. Unlike swimming trunks, bikinis are not designed for drag reduction and generally do not have a visible waistline. The width of less than 1.5 inches on the hips is less common for sports purposes and is most commonly worn for recreation, fashion, and sun tanning. Standard short posed for bodybuilding competition is an example of this style. Male punk rock musicians have performed on stage wearing women bikini pants. Bollywood film 2000 Hera Pheri shows a man basking in a bikini, mistakenly believed to be a woman from a distance.

Male bikini tops also exist and are often used as visual jokes. A mankini is a type of swimsuit sling worn by men. The term is inspired by the word bikini. It was popularized by Sacha Baron Cohen when she was wearing one in the movie Borat .

Bikini waxing

Bikini waxing is a shave of pubic hairs outside the bikini line using waxing. The bikini line depicts the area of ​​the pubic area of ​​the woman to be covered by the bottom of the bikini, which means any pubic hair that is visible outside the swimsuit limit. The pubic hair that looks widely rejected, is considered embarrassing, and is often removed.

As the popularity of bikinis grows, the acceptance of pubic hair diminishes. But, with a certain woman's swimsuit style, pubic hair can be seen around the crotch area of ​​the swimsuit. With the reduction of swimwear size, especially since the advent of bikinis after 1945, the practice of bikini wax has also become popular. The Brazilian style is becoming popular with the appearance of thong ass.

Depending on the bikini-bottom style and the amount of skin seen outside the bikini, pubic hair can be styled into several styles - American waxing (removal of pubic hair from the sides, upper thighs, and below the navel), French waxing (leaving only a vertical strip on front), Brazilian waxing (removal of all hairs in the pelvic area, very suitable for thong base).

Bikini tan

The brown line made by wearing a bikini while tanning is known as a bikini tan. The 1969 innovation of a tap-through swimsuit uses a cloth hollowed out with thousands of micro holes that are barely visible to the naked eye, but which let sunlight pass through to produce free-line tan.

When a bikini leaves most of the body exposed to harmful UV radiation, excess exposure can cause sunburn, skin cancer, and other acute and chronic health effects on the skin, eyes, and immune system. As a result, medical organizations recommend that bikini users protect themselves from UV radiation by using broad-spectrum sunscreens, which have been shown to protect against sunburn, skin cancer, wrinkles and sagging skin. Certain sunscreen ingredients can cause damage if they penetrate the skin from time to time.

See also

  • Maillot
  • Women's beach dress


External links

  • The Metropolitan Art Museum Exhibition - The Bikini
  • California Swimsuit
  • Two-Piece Be With You: LIFE Celebrates Bikini

Source of the article : Wikipedia
