One Tree of Hill is an American television drama series created by Mark Schwahn, which aired on September 23, 2003, at The WB. After the series' third season, The WB joins UPN to form The CW, and from September 27, 2006, the series is broadcast by The CW in the United States until the end of the run in 2012. The event is set in the fictional Town Hill in North Carolina and initially following the lives of two half-brothers, Lucas Scott (Chad Michael Murray) and Nathan Scott (James Lafferty), who compete for positions on their school basketball team, and the drama that goes from the romance of the brothers.
Most of the filming took place in and around Wilmington, North Carolina. Many scenes were shot near the warships of USS North Carolina and on the campus of the University of North Carolina Wilmington. The first four seasons of the event focus on the lives of the main characters during their high school years. With the start of the fifth season, Schwahn increased the time to four years to showcase their life after college, and he made it jump further fourteen months from the end of the sixth season until the start of the seventh season. The opening credit was originally accompanied by the song "I Do not Want to Be" by Gavin DeGraw. Theme has been removed from opening in the fifth season; Schwahn says that this is to lower production costs, add more time to the storyline, and because he feels that the song is more representative of the core character of teenage past than their current maturity. Credits then consist only of titles written on a black background. The theme was restored for season 8, in response to audience requests, and sung by different artists each week.
The series aired to 2.5 million viewers and rose to 3.3 million in the second week, becoming one of only three events that increased in their second episode during the 2003-2004 television season. The first season went to an average of 3.5 million viewers, and the second season was the highest ranking in the series, averaging 4.3 million weekly viewers and 1.9 Adults 18-49. The series received many award nominations, winning two Teen Choice Awards.
On May 12, 2009, it was confirmed that Murray and Hilarie Burton (Peyton) had refused to return for the seventh season, although reports of what happened varied. Their characters (Lucas and Peyton) are two of the five main protagonists, and have given one of their central love stories, throughout the show. On May 17, 2011, CW updated One Tree Hill for its ninth and final season, placing an order for 13 episodes. Bethany Joy Lenz (Haley) and Sophia Bush (Brooke) signed as a permanent player for the last season, and Lafferty appeared as a regular part-time. Murray returns for a special appearance during the last season, which airs on January 11, 2012. The event is the fourth longest run on the CW network, or the joining network to create it (The WB and UPN), just behind Smallville >, Sky 7 , and Supernatural . The series ends on April 4, 2012.
Video One Tree Hill (TV series)
Series overview
The mainstream at the beginning of the season is the relationship between two half-sisters, Lucas and Nathan Scott, who started as enemies but bonds during the show. In the pilot episode, Lucas became a member of Tree Hill Ravens (high school basketball team) with the help of his uncle Keith. Nathan, the head of the team, disliked Lucas from the start, and this became the basis of their rivalry. Lucas's romantic interest in Nathan's boyfriend Peyton Sawyer also strengthens their animosity. Peyton's good friend, Brooke Davis, tries to date Lucas, and Nathan tries to date his best friend, Haley James. The story of Lucas's father and Nathan Dan Scott is sometimes explored through flashbacks, which shows his relationship with Karen Roe, Lucas's mother, and Deb Scott, Nathan's mother, and how he ended up with one woman over the other. She has a high school romance with Karen, producing Lucas's birth, but she refuses to claim Lucas as her son. Leaving Karen, she married Deb, and the couple gave birth to Nathan. Seventeen years later, Deb started a strong friendship and partnership with Karen against Dan's wishes. In the next season, Dan and Deb divorced. Karen is dating her lecturer, Andy Hargrove after losing Keith.
Offers the first season with the first half of the junior year of the main teenage character. The focus is on competition between Lucas and Nathan during the state basketball championships. The other mainstream is the growing relationship of Nathan and Haley, the love triangle of Peyton-Lucas-Brooke and the love quadrangle involving Lucas and Nathan's parents.
The second season focuses on the second half of the junior year's character and setting aside basketball and exploring new romance. Lucas dates Anna Taggaro, Jake Jagielski Peyton date, and there is a love triangle between Felix Taggaro, Brooke and Mouth McFadden. This season also demonstrates the disintegration of Nathan and Haley's relationship due to Chris Keller, and its effects - especially to Lucas - of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. And, the disease is inherited. Peyton deals with drug problems and the return of his biological mother and Karen starts Tric's club and starts a relationship with school teacher Andy Hargrove. Deb problematic with drug addiction.
The third season focuses on the first half of the character in their senior year, as well as the return of the basketball. It features the arrival of Rachel Gatina, who brings the conflict to the romance between Brooke and Lucas when she sets the date for Lucas. Peyton deals with the return of his mother, and tries to get to know him when he finds out he's dying of cancer. Jake and Peyton's relationship is interesting to close and Peyton's romantic feelings for Lucas reappear later in the season. Chris Keller returns and helps Nathan and Haley reunite, also causing damage between Brooke and Lucas. Then this season sees Nathan and Haley planning their marriage. The main subplot consists of Dan's attempts to solve the assassination attempts committed against him during the cliffhanger of the previous season. The big episode ("With Tired Eyes, Tired of Mind, Tired Soul, We Sleep") involved most of the leading actors in hostage situations at Tree Hill High and culminated in Peyton getting shot in the leg, Jimmy Edwards committing suicide and killing Keith. At the end of the season after Nathan and Haley renewed his oath, Rachel, and Cooper fought for their lives after a car accident.
The fourth season features the second half of the senior year of the character, and the love triangle of Peyton, Lucas and Brooke. Haley's pregnancy is threatened by Nathan's risky actions to gamblers and moneylenders. Peyton was followed by a con artist disguised as his half-brother, Derek, and saved by the original Lucas and Derek. Lucas looked for the truth behind his uncle's death as he documented his life since joining the Ravens basketball team. Lucas and Peyton entered into an official relationship after the Ravens won the state championship, meanwhile Dan revived his romance with Karen. Brooke explores a romantic relationship with Chase Adams and friendship with Rachel. Chris Keller made an appearance, and the group enjoyed a "real prom" in a small town called Honneygrove after their original was destroyed by further interaction with the cheater known to everyone as "Psycho Derek". The season ends with a group graduation from high school, Lucas discovers that Dan kills Keith, and Haley and Karen have their babies.
The fifth season jumps four years down the line. The characters struggle with maturity after college and return to Tree Hill for various reasons. Lucas, a published author, in a committed relationship with his editor, Lindsey Strauss. This relationship turned into a love triangle when Peyton returned after a failed music career in Los Angeles. Nathan and Haley's marriage suffered a crisis when Nathan faced a deep depression after suffering serious injuries on the night he was recruited into the NBA. Brooke seeks life beyond success in her work and struggles to gain acceptance from her mother, Victoria. Peyton, with help from Brooke, launched a music label. Lucas and Skill return to Tree Hill Ravens as coaches and ask Nathan for help with the Quentin star player. Mouth begins a relationship with his boss Alice, to get ahead in his job. He then settled with Brooke's assistant, Millicent Huxtable.
The sixth season featured the development of Peyton's romance with Lucas as they reunited and faced a dangerous pregnancy. Peyton meets his biological father, Lucas's book is an option for feature films by ex-girlfriend Peyton, producer Julian Baker, and Nathan and Haley struggle to achieve their dreams after being terrorized by Nanny Carrie who is trying to kidnap their son Jamie and also deploy Dan hostage. Brooke was attacked in his shop, leaving his injured mentally ill. He then took Sam's foster children. The Quentin star was killed, making Nathan more determined to reach the NBA. The Mouth and Millicent contacts touch the stone when the former Mouth, Gigi, returns later in the season the couple is reunited. Bringing a battle with his mother to his company, and his assailants, whom we know are the ones who kill Quentin. Skills and Deb end their relationship. And come to terms with his life and how much time is left. Brooke enters relationship with Julian.
The seventh season jumps the next fourteen months. Rachel returns and two new regular characters are introduced: Haley's sister, Quinn, and Nathan's agent, Clay. Lucas and Peyton have moved on, Quinn and Clay's relationship flourished after Clay's wife Sarah's death. The NBA's NBA career is threatened by a growing scandal that also affects Haley. And became a motivational speaker with the support of his new wife, Rachel Gatina. Brooke unleashes his new clothing line amid conflict with Julian and Alex, the model he leases for his company. Millicent's struggle with drug addiction causes the Mouth to break up with him. The second half of the season relates to Haley's depression due to the death of his mother. At the end of the season, the characters travel to Utah for the premiere of Julian's finished film, Haley announces she is pregnant, Julian proposes to Brooke, and Clay and Quinn are shot by Katie.
The eighth season centered around Brooke and Julian's wedding and the arrival of Julian Sylvia's mother, Haley and Nathan's pregnancies, Clay and Quinn survived their life-threatening attack, and Brooke lost her company. Mia returns and the romance between Alex and Chase turns into a triangular love, while Mouth and Millicent reconcile. Nathan went back to college, and struggled to fit in for his professor. Nathan and Clay started a sports management company called Fortitude, which is a recurring theme during this season. A violent storm reaches Tree Hill, endangering the lives of Brooke and Jamie. Katie returns to take revenge on Quinn. Brooke and Julian look to adoption and connect to pregnant teenagers who look after her baby, leaving Brooke heartbroken. Haley gave birth to a baby girl and named her Lydia (first name of Haley's mother). Nathan found out who was in charge of Brooke and Jamie almost drowned. Alex and Chase finally got together. Brooke became pregnant and had twins.
Schwahn originally planned to make One Tree Hill a long movie titled Ravens , the name of a high school basketball performance team. However, he became convinced that it would be more interesting as a television series. He says the idea for the story comes from his own personal experience. As in the event arrangements, Schwahn goes to school in a small town and plays on the basketball team. He describes himself as the character of Mouth McFadden. Schwahn said that in designing the show, he created Lucas as "this seeded child from the wrong side of the track" that crosses into the beautiful and popular; he wanted to show people's lives like that in the context of basketball, feeling that basketball is a great platform for storytelling.
The title of the show and the name of the fictional city where the series takes place comes from the song "One Tree Hill", which is named according to a landmark in New Zealand. Most of the show episodes are song titles, bands or albums. Schwahn named the town "The Tree of the Hill" because, when he wrote the idea for the show, he had listened to U2's The Joshua Tree album. In the early days, fans often asked Schwahn why the show was called One Tree Hill when the town was just called Tree Hill. The question seemed to be answered when Karen told Lucas in episode 1.22, "There's only one Tree Hill... and that's your house." The same sentence was said by Haley to Jamie on the roof of Karen's Cafe in episode 9.13, the final series.
One Tree Hill consists of themes such as love, friendship, competition and betrayal, and explores the reasons behind it. Neal Solon from DVD Verdict stated, "Most of the shows are based on mistakes made by teenage parents and how these mistakes manifest themselves in the lives of the students." The two most prominent themes of this event are basketball and romance.
Basketball is a core aspect of the show, helping to create an atmosphere of masculinity and attracting male audiences. says about the start of the show season, "The only thing you notice is a strange thing is that teenage school life is very focused on basketball and cheerleading.If they happen to be in the classroom, the only teacher they have is the Trainer Whitey. "
Schwahn stated about the element of basketball, "Often, the game of basketball for us is like a crime, or it's a courtroom, police station, or medical surgery arena - it's like where we live." He said other events rarely focus on court cases or medical issues being addressed, but more about people. "For us, that's a basketball It's never about playing basketball, but it's about what happens to people when the match or the tournament is approaching."
In season 2, the basketball drama was completely removed from the series, as the executive felt that the show was geared more toward the male audience. David Janollari, then president of entertainment at The WB, attributed great success to the show with his focus shift from male-driven sports plots to broaden the story of his girls. He felt they had time to "step back and learn from the audience's response" and that Schwahn adjusted the event to "core audience". Schwahn said, "The girls watch the show in big numbers. [In the first season], the girls are kind of a complement to the kids." Show producers Joe Davola and Schwahn agree with the sentiment of "sell sex" and "leather to win" for the storyline. Less time on the basketball court can make One Tree Hill more time for plots triggered by sex and drugs. The lack of basketball drama, however, means a decrease in male viewers. In a 2006 interview, Schwahn said, "In the second TV season, we did not play any basketball, which is the rest of their first year, and I feel that the show suffered a bit."
Schwahn made the love of Lucas and Peyton the central theme of the show, saying that he "designed a world where Peyton and Lucas were meant to be together" and that "the seeds were planted for [Lucas] to pick Peyton on the pilot - in the first episode... When Lucas is at Rivercourt at the end of the pilot, you know, I think we feel like this is the girl who is his soul mate And you know, the pilot ends up with him saying, 'I'll see you. > ' "
Lucas and Peyton have been referred to as cross-stars. Schwahn describes the theme of their relationship as "two children who carry a little world burden." Could they agree together to let go of that burden? The theme for Lucas and Peyton is, 'How do you learn to be happy when you spend so much time bringing sadness? "The spouse was also given theme music to improve the scene where Lucas rescues Peyton (from despair, dangerous situations, or himself). The theme, titled "Storing Peyton", was composed by John Nordstrom and first heard on the episode of school shooting "With Eyes Tired, Tired of Mind, Tired of Souls, We Sleep", where Lucas is trying to rescue the dying Peyton.
Making Lucas and Peyton a central love story creates competition between their fans and those who prefer him to be together or end up with Brooke. "[These] are two very passionate camps and do not think I do not know that," Schwahn said. "I think sometimes one camp thinks they are ignored." Schwahn said that although he designed Lucas and Peyton to be together from the beginning, this did not prevent Brooke and Lucas from ending together, and that he was aware of the "great chemistry" between their depictions, the real life spouses Murray and Bush. He was not stubbornly clinging to the idea of ââ[Lucas and Peyton]. Schwahn said the love triangle Peyton-Lucas-Brooke also with the design and become the staple of the show. "There's a big fanbase dedicated to Brooke and Lucas, and sometimes [people] feel a bit betrayed, just like the dedicated fanbase for Peyton and Lucas feel betrayed [in season 2 and parts of season 3]", says Schwahn. "It tells me that we have done something right - that is the power of love triangle."
One debate relates to the 2nd season episode of "Do not Take Me For Granted", in which Lucas says that a girl "goes away" and he has to confess his love but appears at Brooke's house instead of Peyton. Most viewers (including Lucas-Peyton and Brooke-Lucas fans) have trouble interpreting the "slip" line as a reference for Brooke, because Peyton is the girl Lucas loves in season 1 and both have since become alienated.. Resources refer to fans as thinking four questions: When did Brooke move away? Does Lucas just mean he does not want to lose it? Is that a plot tool to make it look like Peyton? Or is it Peyton? Speculation that Murray and Bush's marriage affects Lucas's sudden change of heart is also discussed. Schwahn states:
It was a disputed line... "I feel like he's away." Obviously, I planted it there and specifically then cut from his words to the close of Peyton because I wanted to tell the audience, "Well, he's talking about Peyton.Evidently, he's talking about Peyton." As we know, it's not really where his journey takes him and it's debated online and in certain circles that he never really said who that person is. So there are camps rooted for Lucas and Peyton and the deep-rooted camps for Brooke and Lucas, and build those roots for others, all of which are good for show.
Another prominent partner of the show, Nathan and Haley, is considered a supercouple. James Lafferty, portrayer of Nathan, said, "Well Schwahn always says that he has some kind of 'ace in the hole' all the time.When he is writing a pilot script he plans to do it, he really does not" I know how it will run or what will happen. But the fans have responded vigorously to him, and I'm not really sure why. "However, Lafferty says that there is a genuine relationship between Nathan and Haley:" It begins as something based on betrayal and deceit. Then it is broken into something based on true true love. So, I think it is a transition that fans really buy, and I think people really enjoy to watch. Schwahn called the couple "gold" and said, "I love Nathan and Haley, and most of our listeners too." He says that Nathan and Haley fan base are strong because they have always been the most stable couple on the show, admitting that it confuses him when people ask when he will let them be happy. "They have many obstacles," Schwahn says, "but I see them grow - especially with the jump [four years passed between seasons 4 and 5] in front and aging them a bit - I see they grow to some really great places, not just as individuals, but as a family. "
Music plays an important part in the storyline and the movement of scenes throughout the show. Schwahn revealed that each episode is named after a particular song, band, or album that has something in common with the episode theme. Popular indie music has been featured on the show, and various artists have guest stars.
Three soundtrack albums from the event have been released: One Tree Hill - Music From The WB Television Series, Vol. 1 , Friends with Benefits: Music from One Tree Hill TV Series, Volume 2 , and Mixed Road: Music from One Tree Hill TV Series, Volume 3 Music From One Tree Hill , which contained songs from the sixth season.
Episode format
The episodes follow the regular structure. An episode usually begins with a recap of events relevant to the impending narrative, though this sometimes falls to meet the time constraints. During the first four seasons, the theme song is played immediately after a recap or after the first few scenes. Each time an episode displays a sensitive or rough subject, or when the episode's walking duration approaches the specified total time, there is no opening montage, but only One Tree Hill written on a black background. From the start of season 5, the theme song, "I Do not Want to Be" by Gavin DeGraw, was abandoned, and only white titles were used. This theme is restored for season 8, sung by different artists each week. Schwahn's reasons for removing the theme vary:
It's interesting about the theme song. Not only is it expensive - and it never encourages what we do creatively, but I think fans do not understand that there is money on the table every time they hear the theme song. Sounds like a crap producer's response, too, but that's part of it because every year our budget is quite challenging. Knowing that, when I see the leap forward, a four-year leap, I feel like "I Do not Wanna Be" is the national anthem for their teenage life. That's very about who I am going to be and who I am and who I am going to be someday. Not to mention the 42 second screen time that I know I can use for the story. So a lot goes into the decision to drop the theme song, it's not done lightly.
One Tree Hill is known for many dubbs featuring literary or character quotes that reflect the events of the episode. Much has been made by Chad Michael Murray's character, Lucas. However, other characters have done it several times. Bryan Greenberg guest star Sheryl Lee, Torrey DeVitto and Ashley Rickards have also performed voice-overs for one episode. Characters that interact with the main characters, such as Bevin, Chase, Shelly and Glenda, help to tell the episodes together, described by Bevin Prince, Stephen Colletti, Elisabeth Harnois and Amber Wallace. As the show progresses, the song continues to replace the occasional voiceover. At the start of season 7, the character Paul Johansson, Dan Scott, has taken over the role of narrator.
In 2008, a black and white episode on the film noir theme was planned, to be written by Chad Michael Murray. Schwahn said, "I think the noir theme is very risky, because I think it can be very dark and very similar to the approach, I would say this is more Casablanca impregnated."
Timeline series
One Tree Hill started in 2003 and has a complex timeline, which varies between the contrast with and corresponds to the real world. In the first season, the main teenage character is sixteen years old. The first and second seasons include one year, and the third and fourth seasons, so the main teenage character is almost eighteen at the end of the fourth season. The timeline became more complicated in the fifth season, when the show "dramatically rearranged and set four years into the future - after the character [graduated from college". The fifth season began filming on July 30, 2007, and aired on January 8, 2008. In it, the characters are declared twenty-two years old. In 2009, Schwahn changed the timeline again, setting the seventeenth season of the month after the sixth, thus providing a better explanation for the rather sudden departure of the Chad lead series Michael Murray and Hilarie Burton.
Explaining the decision to start the series with teenagers as a junior, Schwahn said, "Lucas and Nathan are important players on the [basketball team], most importantly, and I can not see that happening to new students." She also wants to keep the character in high school longer, saying, "I know a lot of the events we started with, the kids are out of high school now and to college and what you have, and I always think that there is a loss of energy when it's hard to get everyone to go to the same campus and everybody living together for whatever reason, or you lose some of your principles. "Schwahn wants to revive the show. "The show has in many ways been preserved and revived.This is a twenty-something show now with some relevant adult characters, and I really like that energy for the show," he said, and outlined:
The reason that drives me is, first of all, I can fall into a world that feels new and, however, familiar. What I mean is this: You know the characters and you have been with them for four years, but you do not know what happened during the last four, and you can drop the audience into a new situation. The [actors] can play closer to their age, and we have done many things that we would do on campus in high school, in terms of accelerated behavior. Another cool thing to do, and this is not based on design, I'm not smart enough to design it like this, but the fact that Lucas and his mother and his father, Dan, the fact that there is history, that we can always reach back and take a piece of something for four years last, what happened to Dan and Karen, what happened before Lucas joined the team, etc. As we drop the audience into this world, but there is so much life before it, that you can always come back and take a piece when you need it. If Lucas was with a girl we'd never met, or with Peyton, or with Brooke, or lived with Haley and Nathan or whatever, how could that happen and what choice to frame it?
Schwahn felt that changing the series in this way allowed the storyline to be a bit more complicated, and said the actors welcomed the change. At the end of the seventh season, Schwahn and the production team assumed that the network had given performances last season and decided to create a mini-series "mini" if the show was not updated. For the eight-final season, this episode stretches throughout the year, showing the development of Brooke's pregnancy during the episode. This was announced by the network a day after the final that the show will be updated for the ninth and final season. The show features a further leap of time from a year in the season opener and further advances ahead in the final series, showing Jamie playing a high school basketball game in the Hill Ravens Tree, his jersey hanging on the wall with a placard that reads "All Time Leading Scorer".
AT & amp; T has been an event sponsor. Examples include allowing fans to send messages whether Nathan should kiss Haley's sister, Taylor, in season 2, and after that become the result of the storyline. Sunkist is another sponsor; it's seen in concerts in episodes like "Just Watch the Fireworks" and "When It's Like It Should Be," in character refrigerators, and often in school vending machines. It holds a contest to choose which city will be visited by the characters in "It Get the Worst at Night", and Honey Grove, Texas win.
In episode 4.04, "Unable to Stop It We Get Started", Rachel took part in the Maxim shoot, which reflected real-life photo shoots for Danneel Harris, Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush in 2006. In episode 4.07 , "All Things I Have Done", CariDee English, the winner of the challenge on America's Next Top Model, plays a small role as a model named Tia in a fashion show. In episode 5.17, "Hate is Safer Than Love", Mia, played by Kate Voegele, agrees to take part in both Rock the Vote and the Starburst starring concert. In 2008, The CW, Warner Bros. and Macy partnered to offer eight "passionate" fans an opportunity for a walk-on role on shows and weekends with players, billed as "Ultimate Fan Weekend in Wilmington". In 2008, One Tree Hill was the only enhanced event among the top 10 shows with product placement according to Nielsen Media Research.
Departure of Murray and Burton
In 2009, Murray and Burton were confirmed to have refused to return to the series. For months, it's been speculated that they will not be back for the seventh season. In February, The CW announced a series update without specifying which cast members renewed their contract. A video from Murray, apparently unaware that he was being filmed, said the show did not bring him back because they wanted to save money, and encouraged fans to support him, increasing speculation. A Burton video says he will stay if he has any creative controls as well, sparking speculation that The CW did not want to keep Burton on the show without Murray. For some fans, who consider the heart of the show to be dynamic between Lucas and Peyton, One Tree Hill without two characters will not work. The poll found that nearly half of respondents, however, were willing to take a "wait and see" approach to the revamped series. In April, Schwann told the crowds in Paris that all the actors had signed contracts for season 7, except for Murray and Burton. "They are in negotiations now and I know they have offered great things, and hopefully they will decide to return," he said. "If they do not, it's always possible... [the show] has made it through some of the risky moves we've done." In May, CW entertainment president Dawn Ostroff stated, "We're trying to keep them there, we'll be happy if they want to." He says that since Murray and Burton are moving, Tree Hill now has to change itself a bit - as it did in 2007, with a four-year flash-forward. "An event that enters its seventh year is very open to re-create itself," Ostroff said. "And one thing I have to give to Mark Schwahn is that he has made the show so fresh for years."
Burton told Entertainment Weekly that it was possible that he would return for a guest appearance if requested, and clarify what happened behind the scenes of his contract, stating, "[W] hen I heard that there was turmoil or negotiation "I think my fan base in particular knows that money is not always a great motivator for me, that's why I work in an independent film world. " Burton had known for some time that he was going away, adding, "To me, it must be an emotional decision, and professional decisions too.I'm really lucky. One Hill Tree is mine. first, it is a fairy tale, I feel very fortunate to have that level of success right from the gate. "Referring to the video he sent to his fans, he said:
The purpose of the video is to ward off the rumors that are in circulation. I was at your end for a very long time while I was working on MTV, and I understand how rumors work. Everyone wants a sensational story. People even then blame money, and [upon me] high maintenance.... The rumor is really painful. From anyone on the show, I am a very passionate person doing all the extracurricular stuff - a mall tour, a radio tour, going ahead... I love my involvement with this show, and I really just want a fan base to know that I did not change my nose on the extraordinary chance I had for the last six years. There is a bad tendency in which the actors think they have surpassed the performances that made them or the movie that made them and vilify them. I will never say a bad word about One Tree Hill . All my world shapes changed because of the show, so I'll always be very fond of her.
Critics of how their characters, Lucas and Peyton, were written out of a series that focused primarily on a lack of explanation of where they went, and the way out was not healthy enough for a starred couple. Although the episodes that feature their departure were initially bleak, the episode's tone was drastically different in the end. Fans expect a tragic ending because of Lucas and Peyton's history of history and the performances of a shocking final. MTV devised a tragic scenario for how to write a couple out of the series, but concluded by saying, "Maybe after all that they've gone through in six seasons, both deserve their happy ending." The exit was chosen as one of the "12 most important episodes of One Tree Hill " in 2009 by fans at
Schwahn said that he knew that many people would listen to see how the show would explain Lucas and Peyton's absence, and that his explanation was that they were traveling. He realized that people might not accept the new version of the show, but said that it was necessary to continue. To fill the void of Murray and Burton's departure, Robert Buckley and Shantel VanSanten were chosen as agents of Nathan, Clay and Haley's sister Quinn. Austin Nichols, who plays Julian Baker, also upgraded to regular series status. Plans for Murray and Burton to return to the series in Season 8 confirmed. Schwahn said that the actor's busy schedule might prevent the return of time for Brooke's marriage, but he hopes they can come back later this season. On December 7, 2010, Kristin Dos Santos stated that Murray and Burton will definitely not be back for Brooke's wedding, but they are still expected to return. In January 2011, Burton insists that he will not return. In August 2011, The CW revealed that Murray will return for guest appearances in the last season. Burton did not return, because he was not asked back at that time.
Unexpected Life crossover
In an effort to raise the rank of Life Unexpected ' by attracting One Tree Hill viewers, CW aired a crossover event involving both programs on October 12, 2010. Starting with the installation of One Tree Hill "Nothing Teaches Us to Stop", Haley James Scott (Bethany Joy Galeotti) and Mia Catalano (Kate Voegele) travel to Portland (where Life Unexpected is set) to perform at the Sugar Magnolia Music Festival hosted by K-100. Haley and Cate meet on the crossover and "surprised to learn that they shared the same back story [as] mom". "Music Faced", "Life Unexpected" episodes of crossover, also featured Sarah McLachlan, Ben Lee, and Rain Perry, whose song "Beautiful Tree" serves as the opening theme of the series.
Maps One Tree Hill (TV series)
Critical reception
Cosmopolitan and Digital Spy listed this series as one of the greatest teen dramas of all time, while TheWrap named it one of the shows to watch at any age. The first season received mixed reviews. Critics compare it to The O.C. and Dawson's Creek , but with a more masculine appeal. "Where Dawson's is about relationships, especially between boys and girls, One Tree Hill tries to be about masculinity, especially those negotiated through sports", writes Tracy McLoone from PopMatters , who predicted that, despite this, it might be embedded as a female show. "This does not mean boys will not watch it, it's just that they will not talk about it." Allison McCracken of, on the other hand, calls it a "boy soap opera", says, "New boy-centered soaps use 'feminine generic serial' elements to explore boys and relationships among men, often focusing around brothers, or father & son "and" boy's soap is a fun text for women viewers like today's television offers. "
Chris Carle of IGN says: " One Tree Hill , like The OC helps to channel the television network with the much-needed renaissance of juvenile drama This series is less fun and more dramatic than Fox , and the theme and storyline has a bit more gravity than OC's, sometimes dynamic soap operas, but it's a solid show. "Keith Helinski of disagrees with The OC compares, feeling that Summerland is similar to The OC with its "scenarios and settings, while One Tree Hill is more suitable as < i> Dawson's Creek knock off. "
The Wall Street Journal named the "gorgeous prime-time drama about a small town full of cool teenagers and boiling family secrets," while The Star-Ledger said it was "Surprise Survival coming... Every choice he makes from pacing to photography to music seems appropriate, and his casting is inspired. " Alynda's wheat from Entertainment Weekly calls the show "misbehavior" and says they do not have one "this error" because of Melrose Place, adding that character relationships change rapidly.. However, Wheat criticized the lack of parents in most of the life of teenage characters. "Whenever orders threaten to govern, the authors send parents - to Italy, shipwreck, whatever," said Wheat. AOL TV puts the show on the Biggest Fun list on TV. Daniel Fienberg of Zap2it says that while the show has all the elements that make a good show about teenagers/young adults, "this is also a show that stubbornly refuses to be categorized merely as a guilty pleasure and its many artistic pretensions - Lucas's < Bartlett - a fussy narrative, Peyton's (Hilarie Burton) lecture on indie rocks, the countless expository monologues raised from Philosophy 101 lectures - have often made it worse than bad-good. " Fienberg did, however, praise school shoot episodes. Cynthia Boris from DVD Verdict, on the other hand, said, " One Tree Hill does not claim to be anything more than that, they admit they are a teen fantasy complete with the right emo.
Ginia Bellefante of The New York Times criticized the lack of understanding of the consequences of teenage pregnancy, stating that "this show features an almost aggressive reluctance to moralize about teenage pregnancy" and that by "refusing to lay out the consequences bleak from premature mothers, it seems as though they want to make fans at both ends of the political spectrum stick to their heads in the embers of fire. " Author Emily B. Anzicek says that pregnancy appears to be the only possible physical consequence for One Tree Hill's residents and the discussion of STD does not exist, criticizing the "potential threat" due to the number of promiscuity, such as some characters having sex with people they do not know. "Of all the episodes in the first three seasons, there were two condom references, one when Deb catches Brooke and Lucas at a drug store buying condoms and whipped cream," Anzicek said. "The second occurred in season two when Brooke held a wedding reception for Nathan and Haley and decorated the room with a blow-up condom like a balloon." Anzicek said the teenager, who should be sixteen and seventeen at the time, was presented as a very sexually experienced person, especially Brooke, and that the only exception was Haley.
Ian Arbuckle of praised the series on the musical aspect and its flexibility, feeling that "One Tree Hill is explicitly written on pop television and pop music tradition" and that the show "does not focus exclusively on teenagers, but also stretched to include a special subplot for parents and other adults. "Chris Carle from IGN says," Like the series itself, its offerings are a bit more mature (read: contemporary adults) and slightly less fresh than similar soundtracks. , but overall the selection was picked from a tariff lighter on alt rock radio. "Arbuckle stated that the show added a division between adolescents and adults by asking youths focus on love and adults focus on revenge. One of the main concerns of the audience is which girl will end Lucas.
Writing for DVD Verdict, Neal Solon praised the series 'first season for being more of a betrayal and morale in question, and instead highlighted the effects of parents' mistakes on teenage life, which is something he identifies as lacking in other teenage events.. He feels that the end of season 1 is strong because some of his creators do not know whether WB will update the show. "Some of the last episodes brought some form of closure to the main story arc, while leaving the door wide open for further development if the show continues." This is a very rewarding strategy that pays off, "he said.
Although season 2 was the season with the highest rating on the show, it was also criticized. Complaints include the loss of basketball, the confusion about which girl to end Lucas, stereotypical betrayal and planning and Dan who turns into a villain who almost looks like a cartoon. Arbuckle said, "Dan is a jealous man, and his writers come almost to make him no more than a bad person." Amy Kane from calls the character "the most ridiculous criminal who never turns a mustache". Although Arbuckle calls plot-level elements satisfactory, he criticizes the dialogue, saying that the authors fail to convince the slang or Black English of teenagers, or the language of the entrepreneur. She praises the male viewers by watching some of them for the girls who are physically attractive. One of the more praised extras for season 2 is Anna Taggaro's character, which is credited by as the first color bisexual character to appear on television; some fans, however, debate whether the character is bisexual or gay. said the event's third season dialogue was "ingenious and sarcastic from the last word of the scene to the very front" and praised "And a smart comeback line". In the fourth season, the show has switched to melodrama. The fifth time line jumps over, showing characters in their lives after high school and college, succeeds, and is considered successful in avoiding jumping sharks; views also returned to the highest level at all times. Don Williams BuddyTV said, "The fifth season of US. television ratings
The inaugural series was watched by 2.5 million viewers and grabbed the 1.9 Adult 18-49 rating on September 23, 2003. The next week, it rose to 3.3 million and the 2.4 demographics, became one of three events that increased in both episodes. in the 2003-2004 TV season.
CW only attracts a small portion of the audience that its competitors do. "So the strategy is super serving the young coveted demographic.The sweet spot network is 18-34 women and with an average age of 33 viewers, it boasts the youngest audience among its broadcast contenders for nearly a dozen years." On average 4.3 million viewers per week, the second season is One Tree Hill , the highest rated season. During this season, the show emerged as one of The WB's hits. "Of all the events they have launched in the last two years, this one has the greatest appeal," says Stacey Lynn Koerner, at the time of the executive vice president at Initiative, a media planning agency. "It has a connected audience with - loyal viewers who come back week after week." This show is very popular among young viewers. It became the first choice of prime-time television for teenage girls and was reported in January 2005 to become a program in the 9:00 pm time slot of the most viewed by women aged 12 to 34 years.
The last series was the highest ranked among women 18-34 (1.4/4) for The CW in over a year. It was the best CW Wednesday night on 18-34 adults since the inaugural week of 14 September 2011 and the 18-49 best adults and women ranked 18-49 since December 7, 2011. Compared to the previous year, One Tree Hill ' The last episode rose 50% in adults 18-34, 40% in women 18-34 and 33% in adults 18-49. The first hour of the final event, a series of interviews with the players, garnered about 1.37 million viewers, with 1.42 million tunings for the final final series.
Below is a seasonal rating (based on the average audience total per episode) of One Tree Hill in The WB and The CW.
Awards and awards
For nine years, One Tree Hill has been nominated for and won numerous awards, most often respected by the Teen Choice Awards.
On February 7, 2007, Soap
Source of the article : Wikipedia